Should a 7th grader wear foundation?

2016-11-23 5:34 pm

回答 (18)

2016-11-23 11:22 pm
No, they're children. They shouldn't be allowed to wear any makeup until 14 or 15 when they enter high school and even then it should be only very discreet and natural makeup. Light powder foundation or bb cream, concealer where they need it, only lip gloss in natural colors, no contouring or crazy eyeshadow colors, no heavy eyeliner and fake lashes etc... its time for parents to be parents again and to enforce dresscodes and to teach their kids self respect. Not allow them to become degenerates especially so early on.
2016-11-23 11:12 pm
2016-11-23 10:42 pm
2016-11-23 7:54 pm
If you are fortunate to have normal skin, it is too young, you do not need it at that age. I would say wait till you are 15, but if you have flaws, then foundation helps to disguise them.
2016-11-23 10:48 pm
Well i don't see a problem with it. Especially in this day and age. If you want to wear foundation wear it.
2016-11-23 6:49 pm
I think at 7th grade foundation isn't necessary. If you want to wear it because your skin is breaking out, then you should probably look into skin treatment first. If nothing you try first is working, then you can always visit a dermatologist. If you wear foundation, you risk making your acne worse, or developing some if you don't already have any. I have very dark circles under my eyes, so I wear concealer under them to look more awake. Since my skin gets super oily, I wear a primer and a little powder on my face to keep my skin more matte throughout the day. If I get a pimple, I will cover it with concealer. But I rarely get pimples, and that is a last resort. Whenever I wear makeup, usually to school, I will take it off the minute I get home. The longer you wear makeup, the more harm it does to your skin. I am in highschool though. As a 7th grader, I think I only wore clear mascara, and the occasional bit of concealer when needed.
2016-11-23 5:42 pm
A lot of people sexualize makeup on people your age. However, I don't find it problematic. But makeup does take a toll on your skin, especially when you are young. I don't suggest wearing it just yet. Wait til high school, at least. If you let makeup ruin your skin, a few years from now when your skin is possibly breaking out and irritated, you will wish you had taken better care of it so that you didn't feel insecure when you're not wearing makeup.

If you do decide to wear foundation, make sure you are wearing it properly. Cleanse your face daily and exfoliate 2-3 a week so that the finish of your foundation is flawless. Moisturize your face with a non-comedogenic (won't clog pores) facial moisturizer fifteen minutes before applying foundation. It needs fifteen minutes to soak into your skin. Five minutes before applying foundation, use a facial primer. This only needs a couple minutes to sink into your skin. Moisturizer and primer create a second layer and make it harder for foundation to melt into your skin and create clogged pores and acne. These steps are ESSENTIAL.
2016-11-23 5:36 pm
Not unless they're doing a photo shoot or trying to cover up some facial deformity. Skin needs to breathe, not be clogged up with make up.
2016-11-26 5:23 pm
Don't do it it'll ruin your skin
2016-11-26 4:30 pm
ohmygod the amount of people on here over exaggerating. I started wearing very light makeup 5th-6th grade, and practiced with foundation and more powders going into 7th grade. I went back to school looking better than i ever have and i have and got so many compliments that it made my self confidence skyrocket. i have not once broken out from any type of foundation i've used. it really just depends on your experience level and your skin type. I made the mistake of overdoing it eventually, and then i was known for wearing too much makeup for that year. You really just need to know when you have enough on and even if you do go overboard, who cares. Do what makes you feel good. By high school you'll realize that every girl does the same thing and you'll just have more experience than all of them by then :) honestly it's a perfectly fine age. Just know when to stop with it and you'll be completely okay i promise :) I hope this helps , P.S. watch some tutorials on youtube!! they really help a lot with beginning with makeup !!
2016-11-26 3:36 pm
I don't know how young a 7th grader is but if you want to start wearing makeup I would start with the basics and start with concealer and bit of mascara or eyeshadow. Your skin is still developing so make sure that if you do wear makeup that you properly cleanse and moisturise your face afterwards. I started quite young with makeup due to having sever acne and got bullied for it so I understand that people want to start wearing makeup at a young age, and I understand that makeup is in right now, but try keep it as natural as you can.
2016-11-26 2:14 pm
It's kind of young, since your skin is still maturing and developing. I'd recommend that, if you do, you don't wear it everyday and make sure to really clean, moisturize and take care of your skin. Expholiate a couple times a week, don't just use a makeup wipe to remove everything. Really get in there with a good cleanser and wash it off. And don't be afraid to go a day or two without any makeup.
2016-11-25 11:24 pm
As long as they don't form the thought that makeup makes them look "prettier" I don't see a problem. If they are wanting just a little coverage to make acne less noticeable or they want to simply just wear foundation for the fun of it then yeah, definitely! Sometime foundation may come off as a little heavy though so if you are looking for something a bit more natural I would personally go for a light to medium coverage foundation, BB or CC cream, or maybe even primer and powder foundation! I find that when I pair the benefit porefessional foundation and the laura geller baked powder foundation it comes off as a beautiful dewy looking medium coverage foundation while yet not drying out your skin. It's a very creamy soft powder foundation that I personally love.
2016-11-25 4:10 pm
2016-11-24 7:18 am
A bit young but whatever makes you happy
2016-11-24 6:42 am
If they want to, yes
2016-11-24 5:14 am
If they want
2016-11-24 6:44 am
Of course not. Foundation will just ruin your skin.

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