Examples of debits and examples of credits?

2016-11-23 5:06 pm
I've forgotten a lot of my basics in bookkeeping so could someone please me some example of debits and examples credits in bookkeeping?

回答 (3)

2016-11-24 2:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
DR: Cash
CR: Accounts receivable

Receipt of cash from a customer
2016-11-23 6:41 pm
(typing...typing......deleting) never mind, I dont feel like giving you a whole lecture on accounting 101. Try google
2016-11-23 9:45 pm
Google DEALOR accounting. That will answer the basics of determining the difference between debits, credits, and how to balance books.
2016-11-23 7:52 pm
Credits are funds received by you. If a client paid $5000 for services received, that's a credit.
A debit is money that you pay out. An employee's paycheck is a debit.

Credit = money in; account balance INcreases
Debit = money out; account balance DEcreases

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:48:55
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