What did you eat today?

2016-11-23 2:00 am

回答 (294)

2016-11-23 2:06 am
2016-11-24 3:49 am
For breakfast I had two eggs cooked in coconut oil and one chopped cherry tomato with 1/2 onion, 1/2 cup spinach leaves and 1/4 capsicum scrambled in a pan. Afterwards (as my desert for breakfast) I had one small bowl of watermelon with a black tea (no sugar). For morning tea I snacked on some fruit & nut mix until satisfied (probably ate way too much, loooooveee my fruit & nut mix). For lunch I had a home-made tuna salad which had spinach leaves, 1 egg, 1/4 cucumber, 4 cherry tomatoes, 1/2 avocado and of course 1 can of tomato & onion tuna. For afternoon tea I had an apple and a yellow nectarine. For dinner I am having seasoned chicken with vegetables cooked in the oven and possibly another black tea (no sugar) afterwards.
2016-11-23 2:02 am
Had a Dave's 3/4 pound cheeseburger from Wendy's for breakfast. Spaghetti and rice for lunch and I haven't ate dinner yet
2016-11-27 11:16 pm
I eat like this 7 days a week as I'm weight training, it roughly equates to around 4000cal a day...

* 100g Oats // 50g Whey // 25g Peanut Butter // 10g Honey // x2 BCAA Tabs // 5g Creatine // 1 Fish Oil Tab // 550ml Semi Skimmed Milk

* 2 Rashers Bacon // 1 Sausage // 1 White Bread Roll

* 5 Boiled Eggs // 1 Slice Granary Bread with Butter and Marmite

* 1 Can Tuna // 150g Protein Pasta // 1 Gala Apple

* 50g Whey // 1 Protein Flapjack Bar // 50g Cashew Nuts

* 200g Brown Rice // 200g Minced Beef // 50g Kidney Beans // x2 BCAA Tabs // 5g Creatine

* 50g Whey // x2 BCAA Tabs // 5g Creatine // 1 Banana

* 200g Chicken Breast // 200g Sweet Potato // 100g Green Beans // 100g Brocolli

* 125g Cottage Cheese // 100g Greek Yoghurt // 25g Peanut Butter // 10g Honey // 150ml Semi Skimmed Milk
2016-11-27 11:02 am
turkey lunch meat sandwiches
2016-11-27 3:01 am
Breakfast: biscuits & eggs

Lunch:donuts,candy,more biscuits

Dinner: mash potatoes,corn bread with cheese,stuffing,turkey,and more candy lol
2016-11-27 12:14 am
2016-11-26 6:09 pm
chilli chicken
2016-11-26 5:35 am
rice and curry
2016-11-26 4:46 am
Frosted mini wheats with milk and with banana, a blueberry bagel with cranberry sauce, toasted Italina buttered garlic bread with some fancy dipping sauce, spaghetti with marinara sauce, vegetable soup, calamari with calamari sauce, turkey with cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, steamed string beans, apple cider, pumpkin pie, and milk.
Sorta hungry right now
2016-11-26 3:12 am
參考: Knowledge
2016-11-24 1:08 pm
2016-11-24 12:24 pm
So far;
Breakfast: Shredded wheat and milk (no sugar), a banana and a mandarin orange.
Lunch: 2 sausages, mash, string beans and caramelised onion (a small portion).
Colleague leaving (cakes!): 1 very small square chocolate brownie and 1 very small square cheesecake.
That's it until the evening meal.. hang on there's still cake left.......
2016-11-24 3:47 am
2016-11-24 2:18 am
I had a subway big beef melt with lettuce onion and green peppers, it was tasty????
2016-11-23 9:58 pm
this morning my wife. at lunch my secretary for dinner not sure yet. quite possibly neighbors hot daughter.
2016-11-23 7:54 pm
72 pizza
2016-11-23 1:42 pm
2016-11-23 8:22 am
Haven't yet eaten anything, was planning on going to Burger King though. The dark time of the year brings back my fast food cravings.
2016-11-23 7:41 am
2016-11-23 7:17 am
Grilled Sandwich
2016-11-23 4:18 am
Two spring rolls with tofu and peanut sauce, a whole baked sweet potatoe with a bit of butter, salt, pepper and dusting of cinnamon, two leftover chicken thighs with garlic and tarragon. Lots of tea and water.
2016-11-23 3:56 am
I had an ice blended made with javapro in the caramel flavor today, unsweetened vanilla almond/coconut blend milk, ice with sugar-free whipped cream and sugar-free caramel sauce on top.

I had a massive salad for lunch. 10 cups spinach, 1 large avocado, tomato, roasted edamame, a few hardboiled eggs, some feta crumbles, bell pepper, red onion, and dressing.

Fried sriracha infused salmon for dinner with sweet potato fries and sugar-free bbq sauce.
2016-11-23 2:30 am
Bacon cheese sand and gorgeous seafoods salad.
2016-11-23 2:03 am
Breakfast - frosted flakes
Lunch - turkey lunch meat sandwiches
Dinner - Spaghetti
2016-11-23 2:04 pm
A thick wet fart .
2016-11-24 4:10 pm
For breakfast I had two eggs cooked in coconut oil and one chopped cherry tomato with 1/2 onion, 1/2 cup spinach leaves and 1/4 capsicum scrambled in a pan. Afterwards (as my desert for breakfast) I had one small bowl of watermelon with a black tea (no sugar). For morning tea I snacked on some fruit & nut mix until satisfied (probably ate way too much, loooooveee my fruit & nut mix). For lunch I had a home-made tuna salad which had spinach leaves, 1 egg, 1/4 cucumber, 4 cherry tomatoes, 1/2 avocado and of course 1 can of tomato & onion tuna. For afternoon tea I had an apple and a yellow nectarine. For dinner I am having seasoned chicken with vegetables cooked in the oven and possibly another black tea (no sugar) afterwards.
2017-03-11 8:22 am
i had an ice blended made with javapro in the caramel flavor today, unsweetened vanilla almond/coconut blend milk, ice with sugar-free whipped cream and sugar-free caramel sauce on top...

i had a massive salad for lunch... 10 cups spinach, 1 large avocado, tomato, roasted edamame, a few hardboiled eggs, some feta crumbles, bell pepper, red onion, and dressing...

fried sriracha infused salmon for dinner with sweet potato fries and sugar-free bbq sauce...
2016-12-22 3:30 pm
chicken rice
2016-12-03 9:02 pm
Ramen, cup ramen, pepero.
2016-12-01 2:07 am
Oatmeal (the real kind that you cook) with blueberries, coffee, another coffee
Skipped lunch. Dinner I made parmesean crusted turkey cutlets (grilled) with an apricot sauce, saffron rice, fresh green beans and a spinach salad, and wine.....
2016-11-29 10:24 am
2016-11-29 10:04 am
salad and rice
2016-11-29 7:13 am
only rice
2016-11-29 5:47 am
Boilded eggs + dairy products + whole wheat grains breads.
2016-11-29 5:23 am
a cup of coffee.then one egg with some food in the morning
2016-11-29 1:05 am
Your moms pûssy
2016-11-28 9:10 pm
Whips Greek 100 for breakfast. School pizza and apple for lunch. Pretzel for snack... thats all so far. Totals to 580 calories if that's why your asking.
2016-11-28 3:29 am
Well I guess food.
2016-11-28 3:29 am
2016-11-28 2:30 am
Steak corn and bread sticks, cap n crunch,salad,baked potatoe
2016-11-28 1:34 am
A hot pocket and two lime jello cups
2016-11-28 1:03 am
Breakfast : 19 grapes (OCD alert)
1 Persimmon
Rice cake

Lunch : fruit salad
2016-11-28 1:01 am
Breakfast and lunch
2016-11-27 11:37 pm
2 egg n chesse bacon cossiant's
2016-11-27 11:32 pm
Loads of salad
2016-11-27 11:13 pm
Scrambled eggs and jam on toast. Then cold pizza for lunch.
2016-11-27 8:06 pm
Breakfast: A homemade berry (blackberries and blueberries) and yogurt smoothie, along with a side of lightly buttered toast and a sliced avocado (I was in a rush this morning)
Lunch: A tomato and cottage cheese sandwich with herbs and lettuce
Dinner: Roasted salmon glazed over with maple mustard sauce, with a small bowl of kale salad
2016-11-27 7:10 pm
Some ham, egg tortillas and peanuts. Weird I know, but not at the same time:)
2016-11-27 6:53 pm
Nothing yet.
2016-11-27 6:31 pm
Nothing yet
2016-11-27 4:41 pm
egg and pizza
2016-11-27 2:07 pm
Egg sandwich with water
2016-11-27 7:18 am
I ate a red lentil curry with basmati rice and mint yoghurt. It was very nice!
2016-11-27 7:05 am
Bread, egg, Vegetable, fruit
2016-11-27 6:44 am
2016-11-27 6:16 am
yellow curry
2016-11-27 6:05 am
2016-11-27 5:50 am
Powerade,a box of chili cheese fries with extra cheese, and butter pecan ice cream.
2016-11-27 5:05 am
grilled cheese cereal and snack
2016-11-27 4:17 am
2016-11-27 3:56 am
grilled sandwich
2016-11-27 3:43 am
Left overs!
2016-11-27 3:34 am
dog food
2016-11-27 12:58 am
2016-11-27 12:52 am
Today is one day after Thanksgiving.... I had a juicy turkey sandwich....
2016-11-26 11:54 pm
breakfast - eggs and a banana
lunch -zips
dinner- no clue
2016-11-26 11:12 pm
Chicken and yellow rice for brunch, some leftover banana pudding when I got off from work, a Diet Dr Pepper, some some potato chips and am currently making turkey vegetable soup for dinner.
2016-11-26 11:03 pm
2016-11-26 10:59 pm
vegan pizza
2016-11-26 9:38 pm
a peanut butter cup and gatorade, i also have a hawaiian tattoo on my face
2016-11-26 8:57 pm
Absolutely nothing. Only water.
2016-11-26 8:22 pm
For dinner some steak
For lunch a pancake
I haven't had breakfast yet
2016-11-26 7:59 pm
2016-11-26 7:33 pm
Chinese Lunch Special and an extra eggroll.
Iced tea.
Iced coffee.
2016-11-26 5:58 pm
2016-11-26 4:26 pm
boots from parents
2016-11-26 2:08 pm
Fried rice
2016-11-26 1:45 pm
Egg sandwich
2016-11-26 1:42 pm
Well i just ate breakfast.. I had some delicious Oatmeal. Yum!
2016-11-26 11:47 am
2016-11-26 11:36 am
Rice and Brinjal with dal !
2016-11-26 11:34 am
Cat food.
2016-11-26 10:23 am
Breakfast: soda, pineapples and grapes.
Lynch: curly fries and iced coffee
Dinner: Teriyaki wings and water
2016-11-26 10:11 am
tomato and fries
2016-11-26 10:09 am
2016-11-26 10:03 am
Everything :(
2016-11-26 9:14 am
2016-11-26 9:09 am
Double cheese pizza
2016-11-26 9:05 am
3 slices of wholemeal bread and my mom made me tomato juice, it was awful.
2016-11-26 7:18 am
Breakfast- half of a steak and cheese with mango smoothie and ice cream cone. Lunch - Pizza Dinner- a couple spoon fulls of rice!
2016-11-26 6:10 am
2016-11-26 6:04 am
Instant noodles
2016-11-26 5:54 am
Leftover turkey. For the rest of my life.
2016-11-26 4:55 am
Breakfast= Bread,butter,egg & banana + tea.
Lunch = Fried rice,potato fries,chicken,mixed vegetables,fish fries & soda.
Dinner/ supper= Bread,mixed vegetables,apples & milk.
2016-11-26 4:37 am
Two bowls of cereal, two pb&j's, and yummy soup
2016-11-26 3:31 am
Cake, cake, and more cake.
2016-11-26 3:05 am
2016-11-26 2:28 am
moms spaghetti
2016-11-26 1:54 am
Breakfast: *****
Lunch: *****
Dinner: ***** with a side of ***
Im on a diet
2016-11-26 1:21 am
scrambled eggs for breakfast. for lunch, chorizos and pasta, and for dinner cereal and milk.
2016-11-26 12:33 am
for breakfast some 0% milk with a chicken sandwich (homemade wheat bran bread and tomato) then some greek yogurt, for lunch lentils with chicken tomato onion and carrots, then again greek yogurt and now an omelet with homemade bread
2016-11-26 12:14 am
2016-11-25 10:56 pm
Chicken Fries and Green Beans
2016-11-25 10:52 pm
2016-11-25 9:47 pm
2016-11-25 9:45 pm
I gave my roommate money for lunch
I emailed meals on wheels for my mom
I had soup made with water from toilet because the person is crazy and deranged....
2016-11-25 9:23 pm
bolone sandwich
2016-11-25 9:03 pm
Made some omelet with ham leftover from yesterday.
2016-11-25 8:57 pm
an ice cube melted
2016-11-25 8:41 pm
I have to say that I like food.
2016-11-25 8:27 pm
2016-11-25 8:16 pm
Your sister's *****
2016-11-25 8:15 pm
2016-11-25 8:02 pm
I ate things that will kill me faster. Not oil or drugs but it will kill me in the end.
2016-11-25 7:33 pm
half a can of creamed tomato soup, Amy's organic. Then hours later, roast pork Spanish style, salad with ice burg lettuce, tomatoes, pieces of cilantro and lime juice squeezed. then I ate three small bags of freeze dried apples. I now plan to eat a soft serve raspberry ice treat.
2016-11-25 7:28 pm
about 4 bits
2016-11-25 7:13 pm
Rice, rice and rice haha
2016-11-25 7:02 pm
Honey nut Cheerios and bagels
2016-11-25 6:52 pm
Thai food for lunch.
2016-11-25 6:31 pm
2016-11-25 6:22 pm
Omelete.mom was away so i cooked myself
2016-11-25 6:02 pm
2016-11-25 5:48 pm
Thanksgiving leftovers
2016-11-25 5:34 pm
Fresh and Vegetable
2016-11-25 4:21 pm
instant noodles, poached egg and bread, shapes, pringles, beef noodle soup and grapefruit
2016-11-25 3:52 pm
2016-11-25 3:45 pm
Bacon and Pumpkin pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-11-25 3:29 pm
I had tea with a New York style salt bagel .
2016-11-25 2:57 pm
buttered chicken, pancit canton, rice, and a platter of lechon kawali!
2016-11-25 2:29 pm
Dog and cat meat
2016-11-25 2:16 pm
devil pizza
2016-11-25 2:11 pm
Nothing yet. Only coffee.
2016-11-25 1:11 pm
Thai food, awesome!
2016-11-25 1:05 pm
I had puttu and kadala
2016-11-25 12:29 pm
Breakfast: Vegemite on toast, a carrot and a handful of sultanas

Lunch: Pizza & home make cake

Dinner: Schnitzel

Desert: home made cake and vegemite toast.
2016-11-25 11:13 am
pizza saussage rolls pies a few bananas veggies
2016-11-25 10:37 am
2016-11-25 10:11 am
Grilled Sandwich.
2016-11-25 9:43 am
A lot of foood. Well it's thanksgiving, I prob gained like 5 pounds ????
2016-11-25 9:40 am
Rice, Fish, Pulse and Vegetable.
2016-11-25 9:09 am
a bagel, a granola bar, a almond joy, corn, green bean casserole, grapes
2016-11-25 8:18 am
2016-11-25 8:16 am
2016-11-25 7:46 am
Other then the Thanksgiving dinner,I had an instant breakfast drink with my meds this morning.
2016-11-25 7:42 am
Tim hortons
2016-11-25 7:38 am
Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing
2016-11-25 7:36 am
Burger and Grilled Fish
2016-11-25 6:36 am
That's a very good looking question! Today I had powered, hot chips, a blueberry muffin, a chocolate donut, toast with butter and passion fruit yogurt.
2016-11-25 6:08 am
Nothing because It's only 12:08 AM where I live
2016-11-25 5:58 am
2016-11-25 5:14 am
turkey it was thankgiving!!!
2016-11-25 5:08 am
2016-11-25 4:04 am
For breakfast I have a yogurt for lunch I had some corn and green beans and for dinner I had some cranberry sauce
2016-11-25 4:02 am
Grilled Sandwich
2016-11-25 3:57 am
At breakfast I ate yogurt with granola, at lunch I ate veggy burgers and fries and at night only fruit
2016-11-25 3:43 am
i had mash potatoes, green beans, turkey, corn bread and cheese
2016-11-25 3:34 am
Just a cup of coffee.
2016-11-25 3:11 am
I made a homemade pizza and had that and a glass of wine.
2016-11-25 2:49 am
The usual, except for the sub I had for lunch
2016-11-25 1:08 am
two raw potatos
2016-11-25 12:55 am
Leftover pulled pork sandwich and publix brand potato salad for breakfast, snacked on more pulled pork like 2 hours later. Fell asleep then when I woke up i had yakisoba teriyaki noodles which are like ramen noodles with crack in them
2016-11-25 12:29 am
2016-11-25 12:11 am
I caught a haggis in the wild. Its a fast wee beastie! Anywho, I ate it for supper and it was muy deliciouso!
2016-11-25 12:10 am
Turkey, cheesecake, deviled eggs, dressing/stuffing, sweet potato casserole, and mashed potatoes with gravy.
2016-11-24 11:28 pm
2016-11-24 11:02 pm
Milo cerial
2016-11-24 10:58 pm
Fruit, cookie and a burger
2016-11-24 10:34 pm
coffee smoothie fluffernutter (that is a sandwhich like pbandj only fluffier)
2016-11-24 10:07 pm
Bread & Butter.
2016-11-24 9:59 pm
2016-11-24 9:39 pm
Absolutely nothing! I'm still laying in bed. I'm tired from working overtime all week. Add to the fact that I don't celebrate Thankstaking.
2016-11-24 9:33 pm
2016-11-24 8:39 pm
2016-11-24 7:41 pm
2016-11-24 7:08 pm
Seafood and cereal so far
2016-11-24 7:05 pm
Same thing that you ate!
2016-11-24 6:27 pm
A sandwich and chocolate
2016-11-24 5:49 pm
A lot
2016-11-24 5:46 pm
Ham steak for breakfast, Taco salad for lunch, and a ribeye with baked potato and salad for supper. All I might add, non PETA foods, which makes the food even better.
2016-11-24 4:58 pm
2016-11-24 4:57 pm
Nothing lol
2016-11-24 4:24 pm
Today is Thanksgiving & we just finished our traditional breakfast of cinnamon rolls & sausage. mmmmmm...
2016-11-24 3:56 pm
2016-11-24 3:42 pm
So far pancakes
2016-11-24 3:33 pm
Today I had a pumpkin macchiato from Dunkin' Donuts and special k fruit and yogurt one it's so freaking good
2016-11-24 2:31 pm
Quiche lorraine
Soup du jour
Pâte de carbonara
Jus d'orange
2016-11-24 1:15 pm
pudi kahoodi
2016-11-24 12:11 pm
It's like 4am so I haven't ate yet but yesterday I had a meal from mcdonalds and that's it cause my family is usually broke end of the month
2016-11-24 11:23 am
Pizza from pizza hut.
2016-11-24 11:19 am
2016-11-24 11:14 am
2016-11-24 11:03 am
egge fry
2016-11-24 10:57 am
Kidney beans
2016-11-24 10:54 am
Kidney beans
2016-11-24 10:39 am
I didn't eat anything today but original spirits put there **** in my mouth by showing miracles of jesus this s happening to me since many years I complained in Indian police station and nothing happens and my god is with me and all religions want to kill my god so they can become god.

Any lovers of God want to have **** from shia, muslim and christian spirits and don't know who else forcing to put **** inside my mouth and god doesnt know because god listens to mind voice.
2016-11-24 10:16 am
Sandwhich and a pickle
2016-11-24 9:39 am
Just started with a bowel of Shreddies and a cup of tea
2016-11-24 7:29 am
2016-11-24 7:27 am
Salad and Veg Biryani
2016-11-24 6:43 am
3 Taco cart tacos... yum...
2016-11-24 6:37 am
At home today. EGg noodles wity butter and parsley. And can corn
2016-11-24 6:31 am
Breakfast: toast with butter and jelly
Lunch: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Dinner: cheese quesadillas
2016-11-24 6:09 am
Wheat bread with honey, plus a cup of coffee for the cold weather.
2016-11-24 5:58 am
2016-11-24 5:17 am
A turkey sandwich
2016-11-24 5:14 am
Breakfast(brunch): chocolate chip pancakes
Snack:hersey bar
Dinner: turkey burger and salad
I know you probably think I'm super unhealthy but this is seriously just a thanksgiving week thing.
2016-11-24 4:29 am
Spinach and salad
2016-11-24 4:13 am
2016-11-24 3:54 am
Just Tea.
2016-11-24 3:29 am
mexican egg rolls from gringos
2016-11-24 3:02 am
Mashed potatoes
2016-11-24 2:47 am
brisket, sausage, beans, and potato salad.
2016-11-24 2:36 am
Grilled Sandwich
2016-11-24 2:30 am
Some cereal in the morning. And a steak (with mushrooms & onions) for lunch.
2016-11-24 2:26 am
Had biscuits and gravy from Hardees for breakfast!
2016-11-24 2:24 am
bread and milk...
2016-11-24 2:20 am
McDonalds and Tacobell
2016-11-24 1:54 am
2016-11-24 1:42 am
I ate something I shouldnt have... (lol!) I had lasagna with 2 garlic rolls from some random pizza place nearby that delivers and it was eh
2016-11-24 1:31 am
Roast and cheese mashed potatoes
2016-11-24 1:24 am
Eggs and milk, porridge
2016-11-24 12:48 am
chinese buffet
2016-11-24 12:41 am
I say healthy food
2016-11-24 12:36 am
1/2 cup of oatmeal with 2 tablespoons peanut butter
1 medium sized banana
2 cups of green tea w/ ginger, cinnamon & basil

1/2 cup white rice
4 broccoli flowerets
5 baby carrots
4 pieces of chopped celery
1/4 cup of peanuts

1 cup of homemade lentil soup
1/2 cup of oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter & about 10-15 blueberries
2 cups of green tea w/ ginger
2 cups black coffee with 2 shots of creamer (1 Irish Creme & 1 Hazelnut)
參考: I'm vegetarian & I love oatmeal. Oh and little P.S. --- I don't normally have this much caffeine if hardly any ahaha
2016-11-24 12:31 am
2016-11-24 12:30 am
2 Special K breakfast biscuits.
Chicken club sandwich.
Ham & mushroom lasagne & mozzarella bread.
2016-11-23 11:28 pm
food, pizza
2016-11-23 10:07 pm
Cereal sandwich and pizza
2016-11-23 10:05 pm
Just daylight here so not ate yet. But yesterday. Hard boiled eggs with crushed baked tuna left over in a sauce. rice 3 beers & a American stile Philly but waterbuffalo for meat & fries for lunch, Quit good it was. Noodles & pork with steamed vegetables with rice for supper. Also a little rice with soysauce for a snack in the day.
2016-11-23 9:44 pm
參考: mouth
2016-11-23 9:29 pm
Soup, mushrooms in them and some peanuts grinded and some herbs etc. I put in too much pepper so I added some ginger and some milk and veggies.
2016-11-23 9:06 pm
2016-11-23 8:58 pm
nothing yet, but will be eating indian food sometime soon
2016-11-23 8:56 pm
Considering it's only 6:55am, I have so far only had breakfast. Cornflakes with milk, and an orange.
2016-11-23 8:51 pm
cupcake, cashew clusters, trisects, banana, smoothie, soy milk
2016-11-23 8:44 pm
5000 calories
2016-11-23 8:43 pm
2016-11-23 8:30 pm
2016-11-23 8:27 pm
Hot cheetos
2016-11-23 8:13 pm
Two fried eggs salt and pepper on a piece of bread. drank some Pineapple juice
2016-11-23 8:06 pm
Food, Pizza
2016-11-23 7:59 pm
2016-11-23 7:46 pm
peanut butter
2016-11-23 7:40 pm
Some cookies and a bag or popcorn xD My life tho
2016-11-23 7:14 pm
3 scrambled eggs with cottage cheese. Keto diet
2016-11-23 7:09 pm
PBJ sandwich
2016-11-23 7:03 pm
nothing yet, i woke up late and had to leave. i cant wait to go home and eat lol!
2016-11-23 6:53 pm
An bagel egg cheese an bacon sandwich, a hotdog, a pretzel with cheese
2016-11-23 6:09 pm
rice and chicken
2016-11-23 5:20 pm
My wife. Delicious for breakfast, lunch, dinner or midnight snack.
2016-11-23 5:16 pm
subway foot long big beef melt herbs and cheese bread... a fredo...... a tangerine and a packet of monster munch...
2016-11-23 5:08 pm
2016-11-23 5:06 pm
2016-11-23 5:05 pm
rich and chicken
2016-11-23 4:55 pm
2016-11-23 3:48 pm
I took 2 bread & an egg in the breakfast. And took rice, potato & lentils in the lunch. In the evening I took futcka with water.
2016-11-23 3:36 pm
Oatmeal with fruit, nuts, and honey.
2016-11-23 3:01 pm
dry toast and water im not feeling well :(
2016-11-23 2:58 pm
subway foot long big beef melt herbs and cheese bread. a fredo.. a tangerine and a packet of monster munch.
2016-11-23 2:24 pm
Had juice and a bowl of cereal for breakfast.
2016-11-23 2:04 pm
nothing yet
2016-11-23 11:10 am
2016-11-23 9:26 am
2016-11-23 8:45 am
cereal, sandwich, muesli bar, apple, chocolate, chips and pasta,
2016-11-23 8:42 am
Elisha fish,rice and dal.
2016-11-23 6:49 am
2016-11-23 4:31 am
cold chicken sandwich
2016-11-23 2:29 am
bread. chips. soda. fries. junk.
2016-11-23 2:22 am
veggie soup
ramen noodles
string cheese
gold fish crackers
2016-11-23 2:18 am
pop tarts!
2016-11-23 2:15 am
A hamburger.
2016-11-23 2:10 am
2016-11-23 2:09 am
banana, yogurt, few ounces of cheddar with blue corn chips...and I'm about to eat some rice and beans with spinach.
2016-11-23 2:08 am
two sonic half price cheeseburger an order of onion rings and a diet dr pepper. Thanks for the question friend God bless.
2016-11-23 2:07 am
2016-11-23 2:03 am
Cereal, pack of peanut butter crackers, salmon, Christmas cookie, baked potato, coffee, cauliflower, potato chips.
2016-11-23 2:02 am
2016-11-23 2:01 am
spaghetti with cheese toast
2016-11-23 2:01 am
I haven't eaten yet
2016-11-23 2:01 am
mostly fries
2016-11-27 5:24 pm
About 15 minutes ago, on a styrofoam tray, I had a breakfast of granola, butter, strawberries, yogurt and an apple, with a small carton of milk.

Not bad. I'm with a group of people participating in a health project.
2016-11-26 7:23 am
Chicken Rice
2016-11-25 5:30 am
Nothing so far. I start my PC when I get up, as soon as I have made me a mug of hot tea with milk and no sugar. It is now 05:24. I shall breakfast, on oatmeal porrage, half a grapefruit and milky coffee at around 07:30. I may have tea and marmelade on toast at 10:30. My midday meal will probably be battered sprats fried in olive oil, with red Argentine wine and a piece of apple pie . I shall have tea at 16:30, and supper, consisting of Wensleydate cheese on home-baked wholemeal bread with mango chutney and half a pint of Adnam's bitter ale at 19:30.
2016-11-24 9:20 pm
I had a scrambled egg and a piece of bacon on toast with a Cup of American coffee for breakfast,a half Apple turnover for lunch,a scoop of chocolate Ice cream as an afternoonbreak,and half cheese pizza ,with a glass of milk,for dinner. I'm going to have the leftover pizza for dinner tomorrow lol.
Have a nice day,goodbye!
2016-11-24 2:52 am
Today I had breakfast firstly, a pile of toast cut into squares and buttered heavily, and a glass of orange juice that I took no more than three sips of. I had grocery shopping today, and while in the Publix store, I drank a soft drink of rootbeer. In the car, I snacked on a delectable box of Pocky, a Thai treat. After getting home, I sinfully indulged in the Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, which, for the personal record, was a miniature can. While resting, I enjoyed a third of a can of Coke, which I only drank a third of that third. I gradually finished one can of Coke, and with my foggy memory, I may have finished another with my dinner of spaghetti, heavily parmesaned. Throughout my late evening and night, I also enjoyed a bottle of Mello-Yello. I plan to also have a snack of cheese popcorn, Smart Food. I am happy to maintain that healthy diet that often repeats itself- although I was cautious of tomorrow's feast... Happy Thanksgiving, friends.
2016-11-24 2:31 am
Breakfast: Little Wheat's cereal

Lunch: Vegetable soup and pizza

Dinner: Mcdonalds 10 piece chicken nuggets with barbecue sauce and vegetable soup
2016-11-23 11:34 pm
2016-11-23 11:28 pm
two spring rolls with tofu and peanut sauce, a whole baked sweet potatoe with a bit of butter, salt, pepper and dusting of cinnamon, two leftover chicken thighs with garlic and tarragon... lots of tea and water...
2016-11-23 10:48 pm
Are questions like these even allowed?
2016-11-23 8:04 pm
2016-11-23 4:21 pm
ham and cheese sandwich for lunch, cornbread with bacon and great northern beans for supper, then ice cream bar later. i also munch on cheetos off and on all day
2016-11-23 9:18 am
2016-11-23 2:18 am
so far nothing and it's 4pm in my state. i usually eat after work but i just decided to come home and relax. i don't even know if there is anything to eat but im sure there is
2016-11-23 2:03 am
Why on earth would I answer this !
2016-11-24 5:21 am
Chicken Baqryani
2016-11-23 5:55 am
For breakfast my husband. Brung me to ihop. And bought be a sweet peacan waffle with eggs and bacon with a glass of orange. Juice. We went to six flags. He bought me a pepsi and a bag of doritos for a snack and for lunch i had a slice of peporoni pizza. And sweet tea
For dinner. We stopped by subway and i had a sweet onion chicken teriyaki sub and a bag of lays and a choclate cookie with dr peper.
2016-11-23 2:03 am
Your mum.

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