We are asking for the votes of republicans, democrats, independents and first time voters,of which there are plenty這句話語法沒錯吧?為何votes前面要加the?

2016-11-22 3:17 pm

所以可以不加the? 有些時候複數的名詞 到底何時要加the? 何時不要加the?

回答 (3)

2016-11-22 4:18 pm
We are asking for the votes of republicans, democrats, independents and first time voters,of which there are plenty. (X)

We are asking for the votes of republicans, democrats, independents and first time voters,of whom there are plenty. (O)

> 所以可以不加the? 有些時候複數的名詞 到底何時要加the? 何時不要加the?
No. "the" is needed.
2016-11-23 4:49 am
本句裡的votes是普通名詞複數形,因為受到後面限定性質的修飾語所修飾,所以要加定冠詞the,以表示另外還有別的votes不在其內。the = that/those。介系詞片語of republicans, democrates, independents and first time voters是名詞votes的修飾語,為限定性質(將其範圍加以限縮,因為還有別的votes不在其內)。


votes是「非限定性質的修飾語」of which there are plenty的「先行詞」。因為votes是東西,不是人,所以用𨶙係代名詞which。
2016-11-22 3:33 pm
We are asking for the votes ==我們需要............全體出來支持的選票. 而在votes之前加上the 是將語氣加重些. Yip

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