Boyfriend gave up on me?

2016-11-22 1:00 pm
Boyfriend gave up on me after all we have been through. I was with him when he was at his lowest and now that he has reach somewhere he says hes too busy for me and ignoring my messages :-(. I decide to move on but i don't know how to, I feel like I will never find another person like him because first he was soo sweet but somewhere along the line things began to change. I just hope after i walk away he will realize what he lost because i was such a good girl, nothing but loyal. I just need some Tips on how to move on and be happy again because I really love him.

回答 (2)

2016-11-22 1:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Get your self confidence up, first of all. And whatever you do, now that he's gone 'don't contact him'. This way you won't appear desperate, but most importantly this will give him time to miss you, and reflect on what he's losing. For more info on the 'no contact rule' watch YouTube vids from Brad Browning. But if you know it's over, and just want to move on, than what you need to do most is work on 'yourself'! You are your biggest priority. I know how it feels when someone whom you've invested so much effort, time and emotion in just LEAVES. Trust me, I get it. You probably feel like he's left with part of you, and your self esteem. This is why now, you must put everything into yourself right now, build yourself up. Improve yourself by learning new things, getting new skill sets. This will distract you from the pain, meanwhile lifting your self image. Either way you win, he'll come back to a new and improved and empowered you! BUT if he doesn't, you won't be sitting around crying about it anymore, you'll be doing so fabulously that whether he comes back or not won't bother you. I know it sounds like a stretch right now because you probably can't go 3 seconds without thinking about him, but trust me, it will get better!.. And just because he can't see your worth at this time, doesn't mean you aren't worth it! You'll find someone who will treat you like a queen and never shut up about how lucky he is to be with you! .. Just use this time, use the pain as motivation to turn yourself into superwoman! ..
2016-11-22 1:19 pm
This guy is definitely not meant for you. Move on. Life is short. You ll realize more greener pastures that you missed out.

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