How to tell if her phone is off or if I'm blocked?

2016-11-22 8:19 am

回答 (3)

2016-11-22 8:51 am
try calling from a different number, maybe get yourself a google voice number or something similar
2016-11-22 8:47 am
don t bother her. clearly she doesn t want to talk. if she wants to reach out then she will get in contact with you.
2016-11-22 8:26 am
Take a breather. Stop calling. She isn't taking your calls. Don't be a terrorist. Do not STALK her. Just stop it. Seriously. Take a breather. Like a 3-4 day breather. It's like you are trying to MAKE her give you attention. Look at that. You are trying to make her give you attention. That is not an attractive trait.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:53:09
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