Are Russians racist?

2016-11-21 7:22 pm

回答 (7)

2016-11-21 11:13 pm
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Russians are horrible in every way, just don't ever visit that crappy miserable country, believe me.
2016-11-22 6:27 pm
Some are racist and others aren't. They are not brought up or fed on TV about multiculturalism like we are here. There are many cases in Russia of non Slavs like the people from the Central Asian countries and the people from the Armenia, Georgia or Azerbaijan getting beaten up badly for not being white. Racism is quite common, because the authorities don't do much about it and they don't take a strict stance against it as they would here in the UK for example. Russians in general are not used to meeting non Russians as there are few foreigners in most Russian cities, except for Moscow of course. So most Russians are curious about foreigners. Some will like foreigners, others will dislike them. But Russia is a poor country, so most people are just looking to make ends meet and they will not be too interested in foreigners. They might see them as a threat in the job market, they may see them as a threat to their way of life. Hence they might dislike non Russians who are not white. The fact that Putin has his own propaganda about how great Russia is and the fact that wealthy foreigners, both white and non whites are always trying to find beautiful Russian girls to marry doesn't really endear them to the average Russian man either. All in all I'd say Russians are more racist than Brits, but that is due to their circumstance and how their country is run.
2016-11-21 7:46 pm
Some are, some are not. Obviously
2016-11-22 11:36 am
2016-11-21 9:03 pm
most yeah.....not naturally of couse, but when your brought up in that kind of society, it's logical really, if some are saying that is ridiculous and a blatent lie etc, then why is it you have needed to ask this question?

and it isn't just a racism problem either homophobic and even sexist as well
2016-11-21 8:10 pm
I wouldn't say that they are all racist, but there is a lot of racism there, I blame their history for it, they were oppressed for a long time so they are a bit xenophobic.
2016-11-21 7:22 pm

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