I absolutely cannot find where my asked questions are in Yahoo Answers. I hope people get the irony.?

2016-11-21 2:31 pm

Chrome seems be the culprit. All the data is missing o the left hand side

回答 (5)

2016-11-21 3:15 pm
I suspect it's not working well on mobile devices because Yahoo Answers wants people to use their app, not browsers.

Not happening, for me anyway. The oversight on technical issues here has been so poor that no way I'm putting a new version on my devices.
2016-11-21 2:51 pm
You can see your questions here. https://answers.yahoo.com/activity/questions?show=EXRVIDJ5OZIILFW47NRS46B7HY&t=g
That has happened to quite a few others. It was fine for me using Chrome or Firefox on Saturday and was not on Mobile.
I cleared my history on Chrome Saturday night and the left side column has now totally gone.

The column is still there though on Firefox and IE and https://ca.answers.yahoo.com/

Not much we can do but hope it gets back to normal and hope it's not the newest change.
2016-11-21 3:03 pm
You aren't alone. I guess it is a browser issue. I thought someone targeted me because someone didn't like my answers. Politics abounds even here. I have been targeted in the past and successfully defended myself based upon the rules/appeals process. But they are modifying things making defense more difficult. It stinks because a person using good English can be reported by an ignorant individual for an "offense" that doesn't technically exist. Yahoo cannot be bothered to sort the real offenses from the false accusations.

Be careful. You might "offend" someone.
2016-12-03 6:51 pm
I already answered your question once on here fool me once
2016-11-23 6:48 am
I get the irony is was asking the same thing as few days ago (how do I see the ?s I asked) but then I was like wait... what??? But yeah I get it

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