how do minors get caught sexting?

2016-11-21 7:32 am
like if you use imessage to send nudes and both the sender and
the receiver are underage how do they get caught? unless one of the parties tells
someone is it even possible? i head about the NSA spying on imessage but will they actually go to the trouble of busting teens for sextinf? i never have myself but i'm curious because someone at my school sent nudes and they haven't been caught but i'm just wondering.

回答 (7)

2016-11-21 7:37 am
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everything that you send is out there forever
that means the minors might have no repercussions immediately but there is the real possibility it will come back and bite when they least want it to... for example a jealous dumped lover gets revenge by posting nude sexting stuff and the new lover and employer and family etc get to see it and this can and does happen

yes there are agencies that randomly check content out there in the cyber world but busting teens for sexting would be very low on the list of priorities more important would be busting pedophile rings and other dangerous people doing stuff like that
2016-11-21 3:31 pm
Parents install tracking software on their kids' phones and devices to see everything they do online
People post revenge porn after breakups
Girls and boys copy and share pictures the other person sends them
Someone at school who is offended by seeing the pictures tells a teacher or the police

You can't tell me that nobody you know has ever shown you images they received from someone else. People share nudes al the time, it's like a competition to see who can get the most. A group of seniors at my school just got suspended and are under investigation by the police because they had a contest to see who could get the most nudes from freshman girls, then they passed the photos around to each other
2016-11-21 8:21 am
When it goes on the web, it will inevitably get shared by and to everyone else of the web. That's how they get caught.
2016-11-21 7:41 am
There are sites to where parents can see there kids texts
2016-11-21 7:57 am
It's generally because the sort of teens who send this stuff to each other tend to be on the less-intelligent side of the spectrum, on average.

The NSA, as you suspected, doesn't give a stuff about something like this- they're somewhat busy dealing with terrorism, espionage against the USA (and committing many of those same things against the USA's enemies).

Now sure, not everyone who does this gets caught. And if two people did it and were very careful, kept it private, never told a soul and kept all their files somewhere nobody else could access, chances are they wouldn't be caught. But as mentioned, a lot of people who do this are dumb, and consequently do dumb things like show their mates, upload the images online, leave them where people can see them, and so forth. That's what gets most people caught.
2016-11-21 7:38 am
The NSA has better things to do than having a stern talking to, to some horny teens doing what horny teens do. Same reason they don't go after Pot heads saying Weed and weight and price of the phone. They have bigger fish to fly. And usually by law they cant read messages unless trigger words are met. such as Bomb, Terrorism, Etc etc. But if youre a horny teen sending explicit photos to another teen becareful because you can be charged with Child Pornography if caught by the Law. Say if you were reported by someone that knows you have those photos.
2016-11-21 7:36 am
Because they are mirrors and they can do anything

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