Did I sprain my ankle or something worse/less?

2016-11-21 5:22 am
It's November 20th, 2016 and on the beautiful cold day I was running and stepped in a ditch and hurt my ankle. I've been crying so much and the pain barely bearable. I asked to go to the doctor considering I'm only 16years old I have to wait till I'm 17 to go alone and sign it myself. The way I feel was tragic, I slid across the yard and my vision was blurry but it was strange because I felt every twist and turn my left ankle took. My left ankle, on the right (inside) hurts if I push or bend it to the left. Though my whole ankle hurts when I walk, gently put it on the floor and roll it and stretch it. I've tried ice and heating pad. Nothing is working and the pain is pretty much horrible. It's swollen a and bruised a bit but it looks fine but hurts like hell. What should I do? I have school tomorrow and if it hurts when I wake up in the morning should I go to the doctor a.k.a emergency room????? Please and thank you.

回答 (2)

2016-11-21 5:24 am
Sounds like a strain. I did the exact same thing to my foot too. It sucks cause it's actually worse than breaking it cause the tendons get pulled out of place and it take several months to heal.
2016-11-21 5:48 am
Yes, go to the doctor. Ideally you should go now. You shouldn't apply heat to an injury of this kind; only ice. Get your ankle examined now by a doctor. Don't delay.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:48:23
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