Why do I randomly keep getting dizzy while I do my arm workouts?

2016-11-20 7:42 pm
I'm a 15 year old female, and I do arm curls, lying flys and etc, I do 3 reps of 10 different workouts and I rest for 10-20 seconds in between and I just keep getting super dizzy where I have to sit down for longer so I dont pass out or fall over..

回答 (4)

2016-11-22 6:10 pm
There are a lot of things it could be.
Maybe the most probable and the easiest to diagnose and cure is that its a blood sugar issue. Try eating a banana right before the workout. or another option is to buy a bottle of gatorade and sip it at a rate that its finished by the time the workout is done. If you are pretty skinny and you do a lot of working out during the week you can pretty much solve this by eating a bigger dinner the night before.

Another but less likely cause is a not enough oxygen to your brain. This could be just a lack of fitness on your part. or it could be poor breathing technique. Try this: While contracting your arm muscle blow out as hard as you can. Try to finish the contraction and the exhale at the same time. then extend the arm while inhaling. extend slowly and keep in control. the repeat. Take 30 seconds between sets and maybe extend the time between exercises to about 2 minutes.
2016-11-21 1:44 am
I guess it too much for your body right now.
2016-11-20 8:05 pm
Don't work out after eating a heavy meal.
2016-11-20 7:57 pm
You have circulatory issues. Contact a doctor about a stress test.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:19:31
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