My dog is getting bullied at dog camp please help!?

2016-11-20 6:41 pm
My dog (a golden retriever) is getting bullied every day at camp. After i finish work I go to pick him up. Everytime, I see the other dogs steal his food and bark aggressively at him. Also the other dogs exclude him when playing fetch and frisbee. Although My dog is undersized and young. I was thinking of getting a dog sitter but it would be a lot more expensive. Should I feed him more food at home so that he gets bigger. I really want him to get respect from the other dogs. Thanks guys!

回答 (8)

2016-11-21 4:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
And your question is?

Obviously he's a very submissive dog, which is genetic. Genetics can't be changed. Thankfully he's not aggressive.

Then stop taking him there. Dogs don't need to go to camps and/or Dog Parks*, period.

Your responsibility to provide his daily walk/elimination times, aerobic exercise, such as playing fetch, and mental stimulation such as obedience training.

Just feed him properly*, forcing rapid growth will cause more harm than good, and will not change his genetic makeup.

2016-11-20 7:00 pm
Dog camp? or Doggy Day Care?

Pull him out of this one & find another.

Drop him off at a friends house on your way to work & pick it back up on your way home.

Your dog may be just a very submissive dog & will not stand up for himself.. A submissive dog will let other dog push him around, he'll walk away from food if challenged. He may not belong in a place where there are other dogs. He is an under dog by temperament.
2016-11-20 6:42 pm
Talk to the people at the camp. they should notice things like this. if this "camp" is overcrowded, find another camp.
2016-11-21 1:38 am
Why is the camp feeding the dogs? That's a wonderful stimulus for aggression. You should be the one who feeds him. Measure out his daily amount and split it between two meals.
2016-11-20 7:03 pm
There is no reason for either (camp or sitter). He'd be better off spending the day in a crate or kennel in the back yard.
2016-11-20 6:49 pm
doesn't sound like any real dog camp...
2016-11-20 6:41 pm
Shoot the other dogs, problem solved.
2016-11-20 6:46 pm
Dogs will find their place in a group of dogs, you can't really do anything to change that. Does your dog seem happy to go to this day camp? If so, he's okay with the way things are. Seems odd they would feed the dogs together. If your dog is underweight, by all means feed him more, but don't overfeed him if his body weight is okay.

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