Cash as a tax free gift. Can it be in payments, or does it have to be one transaction? I know that it cannot exceed whatever the limits.?

2016-11-20 4:10 pm

回答 (4)

2016-11-20 4:28 pm
The sum of payments over a tax year cannot exceed the limits.
2016-11-22 5:25 pm
the limit is annual, doesn't matter how it was given
2016-11-21 12:06 pm
Can be in chunks.
2016-11-20 9:06 pm
It can be in payments. However, the total of all the payments, when added together, can't be more than the limits.
2016-11-20 8:49 pm
What matters is the total for the year, not whether it's all at once or not. The limit is for not having to file a gift tax return and possibly pay an additional tax, gift tax, on it. You can't deduct the gift.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:46:46
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