林生說這星期會在英國跟老闆開會. 他會把申請表給老闆們簽署後有回公司.
回答 (3)
林生說這星期會在英國跟老闆開會. 他會把申請表給老闆們簽署後"有回公司" ??(中文有誤)
Mr. Lin said he will have a meeting with the bosses in England this week , and then he will send back the application form to the company, which had been signed by them.
林生說這星期會在英國跟老闆開會. 他會把申請表給老闆們簽署後有回公司.(X)
林生說這星期會在英國跟老闆開會. 他會把申請表給老闆們簽署後mail回公司.(O)
Student Lin said that he will have the application form signed by his boss in a meeting this coming week. And he will mail it back to the company afterward.
Lin said he would meet with his boss this week in the UK, and he would sign the application form to the bosses and return to the company.
收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:47:53
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