
2016-11-20 4:01 pm
林生說這星期會在英國跟老闆開會. 他會把申請表給老闆們簽署後有回公司.

回答 (3)

2016-11-21 2:39 am
林生說這星期會在英國跟老闆開會. 他會把申請表給老闆們簽署後"有回公司" ??(中文有誤)
Mr. Lin said he will have a meeting with the bosses in England this week , and then he will send back the application form to the company, which had been signed by them.
2016-11-20 4:40 pm
林生說這星期會在英國跟老闆開會. 他會把申請表給老闆們簽署後有回公司.(X)
林生說這星期會在英國跟老闆開會. 他會把申請表給老闆們簽署後mail回公司.(O)

Student Lin said that he will have the application form signed by his boss in a meeting this coming week. And he will mail it back to the company afterward.
2016-11-21 11:44 am
Lin said he would meet with his boss this week in the UK, and he would sign the application form to the bosses and return to the company.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:47:53
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