Is it a bad deal to work for a busy fast food restaraunt for $10 an hour?

2016-11-20 1:35 am
Not a moment can be spent talking, the managers drive us and yell at us to work like slave drivers. They say we really have to "earn our money" even though my 2 registers I work in a 7 hour shift can sometimes have profits of up to $1200 while I only get $70 before taxes to do the heavy brunt of all the work. Is this a bad deal and should Ieave? My living expenses are pretty subsidized and I can easily pay my bills on this minimum wage though.

回答 (10)

2016-11-20 1:35 am
If you don't like it, stop whining, get off the internet, get an education, and go get a better job.
2016-11-22 10:29 pm
So what you work as a waiter lol in the kitchen will be worse as cooks have to get food out on time and wait for waiters to come and take the food to tables sometimes they can be slow.. Yes it is bad especially if u work a lot, rude employers and u get nothing for working there.
2016-11-20 4:24 pm
your register might take in $1200 but that in NO way is the profit they make that day, there is the cost of the products sold, there is rent, insurance, utilities, advertising, wages and the list goes on
if you make a gross of $70 be happy you have a job there are hundreds waiting for you to quit so they can have your job
2016-11-20 2:17 am
The $1200 is not "profit ". Costs of running the restaurant (utilities, labor, rent, food costs, etc. ) come out of that.

$10 an hour for such work is above average. You will get treated the same in just about any other fast food restaurant. You'd be wise to get an education or more marketable skills. Fast food is not a good career.
2016-11-20 1:48 am
No that's minimum wage which is kind of standard for a dash food restaurant
2016-11-20 2:19 am
Actually it's a good place to learn to NEVER vote republican. It's amazing how many stupid people who are stuck in this situation will vote for the republicans who own all those businesses!!! It's mind boggling.
2016-11-24 3:42 am
$10 sounds like a pretty fair wage for that kind of job.
2016-11-20 5:39 pm
You are being paid to "work", not talk, except when the talk is work-related, for example, to a customer or to a fellow employee to tell him the burger is raw.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Employment law experience.
2016-11-20 9:16 am
$10 an hour is really gooe
2016-11-20 5:54 am
that is minim wage
2016-11-20 1:40 am
Depends on the state you live in and what the cost of living is I suppose. $10 for a fast food joint sounds pretty good to me. I only make 8.25 starting out at McDonald's in Kentucky
2016-11-20 2:11 am
You have a very good acumen for business. It won't be long before you start your own business and that $1200 will be in your bank account and all the figures will be in your spreadsheet. Meanwhile, just enjoy observing the business where you now work. Look at the people who come to spend their money. How do they look? Healthy? Or are they overweight? Do you want to cater to them when you start your own business? Well, just study them closely and see what they are ordering. Keep track of their orders. Write this all down in the notebook I told you to buy a few months ago. Keep real good notes on just about everything. Do you have a DRIVE-THRU? Is it a comfortable drive-thru? Or is it too tight of a turn? Keep notes on these details. Especially what people are ordering. Find an investor and promise to pay back the total amount plus $15,000 profit. Or at least pay back $15,000 profit on every $100,000 of their investment. You will be in business fast and then you know what to do and what to serve to the customers. You can buy one of those fast food buildings that are sitting empty and boarded up. Turn it into the greatest hang out possible. People will come to just sit and work on their projects and drink your drinks and eat your food. Here is one more tip. Make sure your restrooms are spacious and SUPER CLEAN and SANITIZED. BIG MIRRORS and towels rather than blow dryers. Make them real nice where women will be happy and have no idea what "sanitary" means.

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