Can you choose to be LGBT or born with it? Is it confusing about your sexual orientation?

2016-11-19 9:17 pm
I used to have a *friend* and he used to be straight to bisexual to gay and he chose to be gay.

Is he just confused about his sexual orientation?

回答 (5)

2016-11-19 10:28 pm
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No one chooses their preferences, sexual or otherwise. Your friend was confused about what his preferences actually were, and took time to discover them. This is common among adolescents particularly. He didn't "choose" to be gay, he REALIZED he was gay.
2016-11-19 10:37 pm
2016-11-19 9:58 pm
It's all a choice.
2016-11-19 9:53 pm
Yes, figuring out your sexual orientation can be confusing- if you're not straight- because society isn't in any way, shape or form geared towards helping young people figure out and accept who they are sexually- in fact, what social involvement there is is more often negative than anything. We live in a world where there's more emphasis on making people fit socially predetermined roles rather than encouraging them to be who they are. Your friend didn't choose to be gay, he figured out that's who he is; either that or he's bisexual.
2016-11-20 2:54 am
they did a genetic study.. they while they still are researching it they have found that those that are gay/les, their genese are packed differently within the nucleus than with someone that is straight.. as for tg... my grandfather was tg, my dad was tg, im tg.. i have a tg cousin. that certainly implies that all of it has some form of genetic basis

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