專業就是把平凡的事做得比誰都好。 在平凡中求進步 ,在進步中看見未來 求英文翻譯?

2016-11-19 2:33 pm

回答 (3)

2016-11-19 7:17 pm
Being professional is to do anything ordinary better than others.
Live a routine life to make your progresses and to see the future.
2016-11-19 3:07 pm
Professional is to do ordinary things better than anyone else. In the ordinary to seek progress in progress to see the future
2016-11-20 12:36 am
專業就是把平凡的事做得比誰都好。 在平凡中求進步 ,在進步中看見未來

Being professional is to do any characterless affairs better than anyone else.

To make your progresses in the ordinary, and you will see the future.

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