if minimun wage goes up couldn't this cost americans even more jobs? look at what the cost of a burger at McD's would cost!?

2016-11-19 2:24 pm

回答 (16)

2016-11-19 3:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The minimum wage is a liberal farce. The only ones that get anything out of a minimum wage is the government in more taxes.

If an employer is force to pay help more they have to raise the price of their product, or service to pay those higher wages. The transportation people have to raise their prices to pay those higher wages, and so on until the minimum wage raise is eaten up by higher costs. The government is the only ones that see a gain in the amount of new tax dollars they get.
2016-11-19 2:25 pm
Learn a trade, get paid well.
2016-11-19 9:42 pm
If minimun wage goes up couldn't this cost americans even more jobs? look at what the cost of a burger at McD's would cost!?
WHY don't you look at it > sadly, it will ONLY MAKE the GREEDY ASSHATS RICHER & the only way there could ever be a LIVING WAGE is if & when everyone CARES & lives on the same amount of money, no more RICH ASSHATS, LOL !
2016-11-19 3:08 pm
What would it cost? The cost of a burger wouldn't double if the minimum wage were doubled.
2016-11-19 2:27 pm
The moronic minimum wage law needs to be ABOLISHED. It is a Communist law and it has no place in our America. People need to be paid what they're worth, and liberals need to sob about it.
2016-11-19 2:27 pm
Artificially raising the minimum wage is socialist bullshit.
2016-11-19 2:25 pm
McD’s workers are being replaced by order taking kiosks and burger making machines
2016-11-19 2:57 pm
Not necessarily
Why ?
the red ink of paying employees minimum wage is that it increases :
shrink , accidents , absenteeism and employee turnover and reduces employee efficiency all of which have the effect of increasing the CDB
2016-11-19 2:43 pm
Didn't you hear trump on the campaign trail?

The current minimum wage is too high (LOL).

So his uneducated supporters will be making even less than they do now.
2016-11-19 2:42 pm

Understand, the entire Raise the Minimum Wage NOW!!! campaign is the work of labor unions with contracts tied to...you guessed it, the minimum wage. Funny how that works, no?

Meanwhile, the mainstream media doesn't report this easily-understood pair of facts, and the American public sails along as ignorantly as ever.
2016-11-19 2:26 pm
Please, seriously. Study. Don't just recite popular opinions.
2016-11-19 2:26 pm
Relax. Trump said during the campaign that Americans make too much money. He may lower the pay that Americans get.
2016-11-19 2:26 pm
It hasn't in the states that have already boosted their minimum wage.
2016-11-19 2:24 pm
ok bro
2016-11-19 2:25 pm
2016-11-19 2:29 pm
Minimum wage has 0 influence to cost of products, it's that low, wage-pressure is so low, workers are irrelevant to McD's bottomline.

McD turned 5 Billion profit, and paid their share-holders a record dividend-bonus, paid their top-management record bonusses.
If they used 1% of all that bonus money, they could DOUBLE minimum-wage, that's how much profit McD is making.
參考: You're not losing jobs because of some economic-dynamic, you're losing jobs because guys like Trump deregulate Finance, and without a Government watchdog, you're an irrelevant, people with jobs are irrelevant.

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