Do you ever feel worthless?

2016-11-19 1:10 pm

回答 (143)

2016-11-21 7:07 am
I once heard this quote... "Comparison is the thief of joy." Many people don't realize how unique and beautiful they are, if you can't love yourself then you won't let anyone love you. You have to be consent with the fact that you are you and nothing can change that. Don't feel worthless and if you need someone I'll
Be there too.
Just remeber that your unique and beautiful. :)
2016-11-20 8:49 pm
Yes. I feel like I'm being held back from the things I love and need. I have a disability and my mom thinks I can only work in retail. I hate retail, it bores me to tears. My younger sister gets to do pretty much whatever she wants. It's all about her when she's home. My mom tells me I can't do whatever it is that I to do. She says I should stick with the store I'm working at so I can get promoted. I've been there for three years now and I'm still doing the same BS. So it makes me feel worthless when she doesn't listen to me or when she does, she doesn't care.
2016-11-21 5:41 am
Everyday 24/7.
2016-11-21 3:18 pm
Nope. The feeling of worthlessness is nothing more than an illusion, created by humans.
2016-11-19 1:11 pm
No. I have $50 on me.
2016-11-20 1:17 pm
When you feel worthless you are comparing yourself to someone!
Every person has love to share,hugs to give,the ability to make someone smile
Go to your local soup kitchen,homeless shelter and volunteer for few hours,give honest compliments wherever you go,offer a glass of water,coffee or tea to your mail carrier,ups guy!
The more you give,serve,love the better you will feel about yourself
2016-11-23 4:27 pm
That's called co-dependence.

I used to until I realized, it's depending on others that makes me feel so empty inside. Instead, I will change my own tires and no one needs to know I did it right or wrong. I gain value off my own self improvement, empowerment and motivation and I don't even want to have a sliver of anticipation depending on external stuff.

You feel worthless because others do not validate that level of worth that you see. That is contradicting.

When you get used to not needing others validation by validating your self by expecting to be alone. Then you obviously will feel worth.
參考: Broadcasting Happiness - Michelle Geilan.
2016-11-21 12:21 pm
I used to think that I never had an original thought. Then my dad took me aside and said, "I used to think that too, a long time before you did."

I felt horrible when I got bad grades. My dad took me aside and said, "Son, I used to have horrible grades when I was in school." I screamed. . . Oh my God, it's genetic. My kids, grandkids, and all future family will be utter idiots!

I used to think that I had some psychological illness making me think that I was inferior. Thank God I found out that I really was inferior.

Part of my problem was dyslexia (seeing words backwards). I spent the entire month of Yam praying to Dog for a cure. The schauser ****** his head and whined and looked at me funny.

People would call me worthless, so I finally said, I don't have to stand here and be insulted, I can go anywhere and be insulted.
2016-11-19 10:43 pm
I AM worthless.
2016-11-19 1:12 pm
2016-11-22 11:18 pm
I never feel worthless, and here's why... God created me. If God thinks I'm worthy of life, then, I AM. Each of us has a reason for being here. Maybe you haven't found yours yet, but that does not mean you're without value, or purpose. You will come to realize who and what you are, in time. In the meantime relax, and be secure in the knowledge that God created you, and He does nothing without purpose.
2016-11-21 4:39 am
Yes!! I'm still in middle school. It's sometimes hard when everyone is always counting on you to be the "perfect child/student/sibling/cousin" there's a lot going on will school, family and friends. Especially when this is the age where puberty comes in. All the pressure isn't great. Idk how to deal with it. I just wanna give up. I feel like nobody cares about me. I can't do anything about this.
2016-11-20 5:39 am
Almost daily. I have to try and deal with Depression. It is slowly killing me.
2016-11-19 9:30 pm
I am really worthless
2016-11-24 12:59 pm
Yes. When I could not do so many things that I have wanted to do. And now everything is over.
2016-11-23 7:39 am
Yes I think everyone feels that at some point but when you do look around and realize how much potential you have. Appreciate the little things in life. Do things that you never did before and be spontaneous. It helps you to feel better as a person.
2016-11-22 12:50 pm
We R all equally worthless .
2016-11-22 4:02 am
yes, for the moment
2016-11-21 1:51 pm
It's impossible to NOT feel worthless..
2016-11-21 1:13 am
Yes I've felt that way but once I started doing meditation classes (friends made me join and I had no regrets at all) and surrounding myself with positive people it helped to take my mind off stuff and journaling stuff and positive self talk
2016-11-21 1:02 am
I think we all have. It's getting pass the feeling what's hard. Sometimes you have to seek help and talk to someone you trust. Best of luck.
2016-11-20 8:15 pm
2016-11-20 8:04 pm
Oh yes, then I remember Jeremiah 29:11 and ask myself, "Do I believe my feelings or do I believe the scripture?????"
2016-11-20 6:14 pm
Yes but sometimes.
2016-11-20 3:26 pm
I AM worthless.
2016-11-19 2:50 pm
Yup but only when i don't have the price tags on the soles of my shoes.....
2016-11-19 2:33 pm
2016-11-19 1:14 pm
Noway my friend.
2016-11-19 1:12 pm
2016-11-19 1:11 pm
i consider it self-awareness
2016-11-19 1:10 pm
All the time, but not everyone is here for nothing.
2016-11-19 1:10 pm
omg yah
2016-11-20 5:43 pm
2016-11-20 2:45 pm
Not worthless enough to post about it on the internets...
2016-11-20 2:37 pm
No never, nor do I consider any other person to be so.
2016-11-20 1:51 pm
No, never, i don't feel worthless.
2016-11-20 12:37 am
2017-03-05 6:08 pm
2017-01-07 9:51 am
2016-12-12 12:18 pm
nope... the feeling of worthlessness is nothing more than an illusion, created by humans...
2016-11-29 1:02 pm
2016-11-27 10:47 am
For everything there are spirits. Human beings are ruled by spirits but humans must learn to control and rule the spirits. Spirits possess people according to the mental state of the human beings and keep them in the same state until they are rejected and replaced by another. This is an all time phenomena occurring in all humans. Human beings are always under the influence of spirits. Certain situations and circumstances causes the possession of certain type of spirits. Often thinking and talking about bad subjects or bad imaginations even for fun can take serious turns on one who think and talk. All spirits (good and bad) have the dominating character. They can take you to the extent of sacrifice or suicide.

All of your activities, talks and even thoughts determine what kind of spirits you will have for your life. Only these spirits are the reason for the good and bad happening in your life. Generally spirits determine your destiny from your daily activities, talks and thoughts too. All knowledge, skills, emotions, feelings, interests and everything are spirits. Even thoughts are not your own. For example, when you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another they think and you just listen and choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being during his/her lifetime is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. All human beings are just unprogrammed robots made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., by birth and toys of the spirits for their games.

You must not leave your mind in it's own way. If you do, the spirit will take your mind for it's own, then controlling it is not so easy. Therefore don't give room to negative thoughts in your mind thinking yourself that you are so honest and straight forward. If you do you will be the sufferer. The spirits will make you truly worthless by creating a worst situation in your life. You must be very careful with such feelings and thoughts.

First of all you must think and believe that it's not you. Then you must command that spirit both mentally and orally to go. Whenever you are possessed by that thought you must divert your mind at once towards some other subject and stay in it for a while and then continue your duty. This is a mental exercise. You may also bring at once an opposite feeling through your imagination as if you are going to live a useful, wealthy and happy life in future. You must continue this exercise for few days. While doing this exercise you are creating an opposing spirit, i.e., a positive force. Soon this spirit gets stronger and eliminates the negative force. Within a few days you will be alright.
2016-11-25 4:47 pm
2016-11-25 2:01 am
2016-11-24 8:15 pm
i trust myself and have self-esteem, but i feel worthless sometimes and i think people make me feel this way
2016-11-24 4:03 pm
yes, especially when people wont hire me or if they do wont keep me
2016-11-23 11:41 pm
2016-11-23 9:57 pm
2016-11-23 9:27 pm
No. I have been through more than a lot of people could handle in my lifetime, and I used to think there was something wrong with me, I deserved it, or that I was nothing because of it. However, I have survived, I am doing the best I can, and I feel that I am steel that has been tempered in fire. I can be proud of myself for not only surviving, but thriving, in my own quiet way.
2016-11-23 3:59 pm
when you feel worthless you are comparing yourself to someone!
every person has love to share,hugs to give,the ability to make someone smile
go to your local soup kitchen,homeless shelter and volunteer for few hours,give honest compliments wherever you go,offer a glass of water,coffee or tea to your mail carrier,ups guy!
the more you give,serve,love the better you shall feel about yourself
2016-11-23 2:46 pm
2016-11-23 7:25 am
No, because I am not worthless.
2016-11-23 1:02 am
Hell no I rock out but not with my cock out because that would make me a sex offender
2016-11-22 10:41 pm
2016-11-22 10:32 pm
Maybe sometimes.
2016-11-22 10:28 pm
I always feel like that when i'm in school
2016-11-22 7:14 pm
2016-11-22 5:57 pm
2016-11-22 6:16 am
Been there but you are very loved and cared for.
2016-11-22 5:05 am
2016-11-22 3:01 am
No. I'm worth a number. That number just happens to be zero.
2016-11-22 2:18 am
Sometimes, actually many times I wish could be a better person, more talkative more caring, but I keep thinking about my relatives who passed away and how they would want to enjoy life if they got it back, so I have to try enjoying what I have and do what I can do to be better.
2016-11-22 12:52 am
Nope, I don t do much for the world in general for the time being either. Doesn t matter, my life has an inherent value to me and IDGAF if other people value me.

No need to be caught in that psychological trap...I ve been through that already.
2016-11-22 12:07 am
2016-11-21 10:49 pm
Yes. I feel like I can never amount to anything and that I am pathetic and my ambitions are stupid. I try to ignore it and tell myself I am not worthless and I eill be somewhere someday succeding in my abmition
2016-11-21 10:47 pm
cant never find a band so that I wont waist my drumming talent
2016-11-21 9:34 pm
2016-11-21 9:09 pm
2016-11-21 9:08 pm
2016-11-21 9:05 pm
Currently yes
2016-11-21 8:55 pm
2016-11-21 7:54 pm
manny times
2016-11-21 7:40 pm
2016-11-21 6:32 pm
I used to until I found out how much worth I had I the eyes of God. God has a purpose for every persons life and once you figure out that it changes everything!
2016-11-21 6:21 pm
Yes, but you have to realize that you are unique. There's only one you in the world. It's a wonderful thing to be alive, and you should cherish it.
2016-11-21 5:33 pm
Every second of my life so far.
2016-11-21 3:23 pm
All the time
2016-11-21 2:43 pm
2016-11-21 2:00 pm
2016-11-21 11:28 am
so many times a day
2016-11-21 11:01 am
at times when people dont seem to reply to me or be in touch and is disappointing and I wonder why.
2016-11-21 9:35 am
Yep. Because of my tiny penis. I feel like I'm never gonna be good enough for anyone. They say size doesn't matter just to make you feel better.
2016-11-21 9:19 am
You posted in teh new-born baby section - I doubt many can answer you, ye. Wait a few years.
2016-11-21 9:14 am
Yes all the time
2016-11-21 9:05 am
Right now I do yes
2016-11-21 8:48 am
Yes, most of the time..
2016-11-21 8:18 am
No, because i m best out of the best as i m a child molester
2016-11-21 7:35 am
Yes cause no girls like me just by misunderstanding on my words
2016-11-21 7:28 am
yes, because i'm surround by A$$holes :(
2016-11-21 7:20 am
yes many times.
2016-11-21 7:17 am
2016-11-21 7:15 am
More than I don't
2016-11-21 6:56 am
2016-11-21 5:49 am
You are all worthless. Trust your first instinct, it is usually not far from the truth.
2016-11-21 5:10 am
yes... lol all the time... especially bc of MATH
2016-11-21 3:58 am
2016-11-21 3:43 am
No because I don't give a flying **** what people think about me! I love who I am
2016-11-21 3:42 am
In the past I have felt worth less than I am really worth, then I come back to reality.
2016-11-21 3:03 am
2016-11-21 2:21 am
yeah i've felt that way but once i started doing meditation classes (friends made me join and i had no regrets at all) and surrounding myself with positive people it helped to take my mind off stuff and journaling stuff and positive self talk
2016-11-21 2:04 am
2016-11-21 1:55 am
This is what Battlefield says to COD
2016-11-21 1:36 am
2016-11-21 1:14 am
2016-11-21 1:05 am
2016-11-21 1:02 am
2016-11-20 11:56 pm
2016-11-20 11:21 pm
2016-11-20 11:02 pm
not anymore but i did for 8 long years.
2016-11-20 10:43 pm
All the time
2016-11-20 10:05 pm
2016-11-20 9:29 pm
I am worthless
2016-11-20 9:01 pm
2016-11-20 8:55 pm
Rarely, but it happens.
2016-11-20 6:40 pm
never, i'm a child of GOD so i know i shall never be worthless and HIS love will see me thru everything
2016-11-20 6:33 pm
2016-11-20 6:08 pm
All the time
2016-11-20 6:04 pm
All the time. I cant wait for anything to be over. I just cant wait to die anymore.
2016-11-20 5:48 pm
2016-11-20 5:46 pm
It is a given when you live in Connecticut
2016-11-20 5:37 pm
Yeah at times I do but it is normal to go through it.
2016-11-20 4:45 pm
Yes, one day ago..
2016-11-20 4:17 pm
Yes, İ do. İ have felt like that for many years...unfortunately.
2016-11-20 4:07 pm
Every moment of every day of most of my 39 years.
2016-11-20 4:02 pm
2016-11-20 3:54 pm
The profound unhappiness that results from such feelings seems to be widespread today. One telephone counseling service for teenagers says that almost half of their callers express “persistent feelings of low self-value.”
According to some experts, feelings of inadequacy emerge when people are made to feel worthless by others. Such a state of mind may develop when one is subjected to constant berating, excessive and harsh criticism, or abusive exploitation. Whatever the reason, the consequences can be debilitating and even destructive. A recent medical study found that individuals with negative feelings about themselves tend to distrust themselves and others, thus unwittingly sabotaging close relationships and friendships. “In a sense,” says the report on the study, “they ‘create’ the very situations they fear most.”
People who feel that way are often victims of what the Bible calls their own “disquieting thoughts.” (Psalm 94:19) They feel that they are never good enough. When something goes wrong, they instinctively blame themselves. Though others may praise them for their achievements, deep down inside they feel like a fraud who will be exposed sooner or later. Believing that they are unworthy of happiness, many fall into self-destructive behavior that they feel powerless to correct. Lena, mentioned earlier, developed a serious eating disorder because of her lack of self-respect, and she admits, “I felt unable to change anything.”
Are those who struggle with such “disquieting thoughts” doomed to feel this way for the rest of their life? Can anything be done to combat such feelings?
Feelings of discouragement can sap our energy, making us feel weak and vulnerable with no desire to change or to seek help.
Discouragement can also affect a person spiritually. People who feel worthless often feel that they can never enjoy a good relationship with God and be blessed by him. Simone, mentioned in the preceding article, doubted that she was “the kind of person God would approve of.” However, when we look into God’s Word, the Bible, we find that God takes a positive view of those who endeavor to please him.
“Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you.”(Psalm 55:22) First and foremost, prayer can help us find true joy. Simone says: “Whenever I feel discouraged, I turn to Jehovah and ask for his help. I have never been in a situation where I have not felt his strength and his guidance.” When the psalmist urges us to throw our burden on Jehovah, he is in effect reminding us that Jehovah not only cares about us but also views us as individuals worthy of his help and support. On the night of the Passover 33 C.E., Jesus’ disciples were grieved because of what Jesus said about his impending departure. Jesus urged them to pray to the Father, and then he added: “Ask and you will receive, that your joy may be made full.”—John 16:23, 24.
“There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.” (Acts 20:35) As Jesus taught, giving is a key to finding true joy in life. Applying this Bible truth enables us to focus on the needs of others rather than on our own inadequacies. When we help others and see their appreciative response, we feel better about ourselves. Lena is convinced that regularly sharing the good news from the Bible with her neighbors helps her in two ways. “First, it gives me the kind of happiness and satisfaction Jesus spoke of,” she says. “Second, I receive much positive feedback from others, which helps me to find joy.” By generously giving of ourselves, we will experience the truthfulness of Proverbs 11:25: “The one freely watering others will himself also be freely watered.”
“All the days of the afflicted one are bad; but the one that is good at heart has a feast constantly.” (Proverbs 15:15) All of us have a choice as to how we view ourselves and our circumstances. We can be like the one who sees everything negatively and feels afflicted, or we can choose to think positively, feel “good at heart,” and be joyful as if we were at a feast. Says Simone: “I try to remain as positive as possible. I keep busy in personal study and in the ministry, and I persevere in prayer. I also try to surround myself with positive people, and I try to be there for others.” Such a heart attitude leads to true joy, even as the Bible urges us: “Rejoice in Jehovah and be joyful, you righteous ones; and cry out joyfully, all you who are upright in heart.”—Psalm 32:11.
“A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress.” (Proverbs 17:17) Confiding in a loved one or in a trusted counselor can help us get a grip on negative feelings and put them out of the way before they overwhelm us. Speaking with others can help us to see things from a balanced, positive viewpoint. “Talking things out helps a lot,” admits Simone. “You need to tell someone how you’re feeling. Often just getting it out is all that’s needed.” Doing so will help you experience the truthfulness of the proverb that says: “Anxious care in the heart of a man is what will cause it to bow down, but the good word is what makes it rejoice.”—Proverbs 12:25.
What You Can Do
We have considered but a few of the many wonderful and practical principles from the Bible that can help us overcome negative feelings and find true joy. If you are among those who are struggling with feelings of inadequacy, we encourage you to make a closer examination of God’s Word, the Bible. Learn to cultivate a realistic and healthy feeling about yourself and about your relationship with God. It is our sincere hope that with guidance from God’s Word, you will be able to find true joy in all that you do.
I hope this information helps. If you want to research more answers on topics like this or any other topic that is of interest to you please visit
2016-11-20 3:40 pm
all the time
2016-11-20 3:30 pm
Yes, yes I do
2016-11-20 3:05 pm
All the time ????
2016-11-20 1:05 pm
Definitely, for years now.
2016-11-20 8:07 am
no... i have $50 on me...
2016-11-20 7:20 am
All the time
2016-11-19 11:40 pm
2016-11-19 9:27 pm
2016-11-19 5:42 pm
A lot
2016-11-19 4:39 pm
2016-11-19 1:40 pm
2016-11-19 1:35 pm
This week, lately.
2016-11-19 1:16 pm
2016-11-19 1:14 pm
2016-11-20 3:31 pm
Yes some time
2016-11-20 2:06 pm
All the time. I try to push through it, though, as I know I'm basically lying to myself when I tell myself I'm nothing but poop. Push through it!
2016-11-20 1:32 pm
2016-11-20 11:22 am
I've felt worthless for years and years
2016-11-20 8:16 am
2016-11-19 10:54 pm
2016-11-19 10:01 pm
Quite often and I don't know why!
2016-11-19 4:11 pm

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