在香港 搭新加坡航空 轉機去布里斯本 , 我有一個28吋喼 一個手提行李 同一個大背囊 ,我知道可以寄倉32kg 手提行李嗰個係7kg 但係 我有個大背囊 咁係唔係我要再俾額外嘅費用? 而且我仲要轉機去新加坡 佢嗰邊係咪又要再check多次 ?咁我嗰個大背囊同手提行李點算?

2016-11-19 6:40 am

回答 (2)

2016-11-19 1:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2016-11-19 12:59 pm
First, the allowance is 30kg, not 32kg.

In answering your questions:

1. No. The baggage allowance is for the total weight of all checked baggage. As soon as you do not exceed, no extra charge.

2. No. Your baggage will usually be checked all-the-way to Brisbane, unless an overnight in Singapore is required.

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