Who wants to RID the world of PG-13/12A ratings?

2016-11-18 5:39 pm

I'm kind of sick of the lack of blood and pain in movies that have shed loads of violence!

回答 (3)

2016-11-18 6:37 pm
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I do......PG-13/12A movies are only for pussie.s who can't stomach hard Rated R violence
2016-11-18 5:56 pm
All ratings are dumb, and patronizing, so yeah, get rid of them all.
參考: Funnily enough, in Countries where they don't censor, people behave a lot more responsible, a Nanny-State usually hurts more than it helps.
2016-11-18 5:39 pm
I don't care cause I'm 20 and can watch anything.

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