Am I crazy for wanting another baby?

2016-11-18 3:09 pm
I have a 14 year old daughter and have always wanted another baby.

My husband and I have been married for just over 2 years and have been kind of trying to conceive, but have had no luck.

We are both 36 years old. Recently, the feeling of wanting another baby has diminished a bit, and that kind of saddens me. I still want another baby, but would it be crazy to start over at my age? My daughter will be leaving for college in just a couple of years.

Has anyone else out there started over when their child(ren) were nearly grown?

回答 (7)

2016-11-18 5:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Crazy? No. I gather your daughter may not be his bio child (?). The feeling subsiding a bit just may be that you're questioning it, and haven't actually conceived maybe kind of getting discouraged. Time to seriously talk about this with him, and lay your feelings, pros &cons on the table. Being emotionally conflicted right now isn't resolve one way or the other. You'll roughly be 55 at another child's high school graduation. Then college expenses for the first during early yrs of 2nd child, and probably more college expenses when entering a phase where you should be getting set up for retirement. So it's something to consider: where you stand mentally, physically, financially and maritally. It will be a team effort, and alter the next 20 yrs or more of your lives. So together you need to decide if you will do it soon...or never. Then set your course, and move forward. I remarried and we couldn't have a child together. Just have my son from previous marriage. There were times I
參考: felt guilty I couldn't give him his own child.. and times I wanted it badly too. But it just wasn't in the cards for us. Looking back, as we recently discussed how different our lives would be now (just now hitting high school graduation & college if we had had a child) was incredible. My son is almost 27. We would have been slaves to our jobs to have another child, not traveled, or experienced all the freedom we had for the last decade. It was an empowering revelation for us both. So see it from another perspective, if having another baby doesn't happen. It's ok either way hon.
2016-11-18 3:54 pm
Not that best answer but i'll give it my 2 cents.

No yo're not crazy for wanting a baby. If you and your husband can afford it and deal with the responsibitlities then go ahead.

Just make sure this is not depression or empty nest syndrome you're dealing with because I've heard of such cases where some females wanting children because their child leaves to college. My mom was like this, but until she pursued a hobby that makes her happy and connecting with other moms, she forgot about having another child. What you're describing is exactly what she went through.
2016-11-18 5:19 pm
If you want another child, and your husband agrees, then go right ahead. Plenty of people have a baby in their mid-30s.

If you had your first child young, and then have your second child at an older age, that's perfectly fine. A lot of people have children who are far apart in age ... because they just planned it that way, or because of fertility issues, or because the first was with a former partner or at a very young age, because of "surprises," etc.

If you and your husband agree that a second baby would be a welcome addition to your family, then go for it.
2016-11-18 4:32 pm
There are plenty of people out there with kids with a big age difference - my mother is 18 years younger than her brother, for example. You're still young, and younger than many parents these days, so if you want another child then there's no harm in trying. There are advantages to having two children who are similar in age, but at the same time there are lots of advantages to having a bit of space in between!
2016-11-19 4:25 pm
I would have though you are the perfect age to have your first child.
2016-11-19 4:10 pm
Not really, it's normal for women of ages to want children, enjoy the feeling.
參考: Life 😄 😅 😄
2016-11-18 10:50 pm
I know more than a few families that have children far apart. What you have to ask yourself is are you physically/mentally capable of handling a teenager when you are going through menopause?

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