what is a better job for a girl: Commissioner , Lawyer, Teacher?

2016-11-18 4:51 am

回答 (9)

2016-11-18 4:59 am
Whatever you want to be. There is no 'better job for a girl'. Sex has NOTHING to do with it.
2016-11-18 5:12 am
harpertara triggered
2016-11-18 4:56 am
for me, is lawyer
2016-11-18 4:55 am
The one which fits her skills best.
2016-11-18 4:55 am
Being a teacher is a F UC KED UP job right now.

Society in America has turned on teachers and views them as worthless pieces of S H I T.

Don't become a teacher.
2016-11-18 4:55 am
參考: The best teachers I had were females
2016-11-18 4:52 am
2016-11-18 5:18 am
Try pole dancer
2016-11-18 5:02 am
Prostitute, wife, mother. Men are better at all the others. That's why women need special laws threatening the entire population with imprisonment for preferring men, AND EVEN THEN IT DOESN'T WORK!

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:46:54
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