What cereal is the best for putting in my ***?

2016-11-17 8:06 pm
My friend as a prank needs to pour cereal in his *** with a funnel. Which cereal will work the best. It's going in dry NOT MILK!

回答 (9)

2016-12-03 6:56 pm
well considering your head is aready up your a's why not throw some cereal up there to
2016-11-19 2:03 am
Coco pops you queer.
2016-11-18 11:25 am
This could really hurt the man, it could get stuck in there and not allow him to pee or just get stuck in there and give him an infection. Find another prank to pull, one that doesn't cause too much pain.
2016-11-17 9:10 pm
I say skip the cereal and go for a couple packets of Pop Rocks. But, if you insist on cereal.... Grape Nuts.
2016-11-17 8:13 pm
I don't see that working. I think it's too tight a passage for more than a very small amount of something light and dry like cereal to fall into it. But hey, I could be wrong...
2016-11-17 8:11 pm
Fruit loops for a fruit loop.
2016-11-17 8:09 pm
Rice Krispies - for the snap, crackle and pop!
2016-11-17 8:07 pm
2016-11-17 8:06 pm

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