可以幫我把以下句子中翻英嗎?謝謝 請問商品已經寄出了嗎?如果還沒寄出,麻煩請取消訂單,謝謝?

2016-11-17 10:16 am

回答 (4)

2016-11-17 11:33 am
Merchandise have been sent yet ?
If not,call off the trading order !
2016-11-18 1:22 am
I am writing to inquire if you have shipped the product I purchased? If you haven't, please cancel the order.
2016-11-17 11:59 am
Please cancel this order if not already shipped.

Thank you!
2016-11-17 10:39 am
Would you please tell me if the goods have been sent out? if not yet, please call off the purchase order, much appreciate.這是我自己翻譯的,希望能符合您的需求
參考: 我自己的英文能力

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