Is it weird NOT to have a Facebook?

2016-11-17 4:48 am
I feel like the only one who doesn't have Facebook. We never had internet when i was growing up so i had to do what i could with an average computer. Don't get me wrong i'm only 16. I'm actually have a lot of friends in high-school. But when i tell them i don't have Facebook they look so surprised. Even teachers have Facebook. TBH i don't have any social media besides this and you-tube. I just don't find it entertaining. What are you meant to do on Facebook? Like pictures and post pictures. How do you find it fun? I feel like the only person who doesn't have Facebook sometimes. Am i really missing out on that much?

Would you think I'm like a creepy girl or something finding out i don't have Facebook? What do people think when their so surprised?


OKAY, You guys are saying its not weird to have a Facebook. But i don't have ANY SOCIAL MEDIA besides yahoo an YouTube.

回答 (13)

2016-11-17 8:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm a 17-year old guy who doesn't have Facebook. Nor am I on Instagram, Snapchat or any other social networking website. Never really got into the whole craze or had any interest in it. I don't really feel like I'm missing out on anything most of the time unless I'm in a group where everyone's talking about something that happened on there. Sure, I feel left out at times as it seems like the only way to convince the world that you exist, but hey, I'm happy without it, and it's the only thing that matters.
2016-11-17 5:03 am
No, but you must make an account. In today"s world you must be connected through social medias.
2016-11-18 8:08 pm
i don't have a Facebook. i think it is a big timewaster.
also, i didn't have a computer at my house til i was 18, and i still ended up being the town tech support...
2016-11-18 10:13 am
I always thought FB was pretty useless until I discovered Groups. There are groups for all sorts of things, so if you like photography there are many sites for you to post your pictures and/or comment on other pictures. If you need a plant or animal identified there are groups for that. Joining a group is a lot of fun because the people in that group share your interest. Most groups have strict rules about the things that can be posted so you don't have to deal with unpleasant people, negative comments or spam. You can also form your own group. Groups to allow you to connect with others in a meaningful way.

Another way I use FB is reading the Trending News stories which appear on the screen. Each news story has a place where you can read others' comments about it and make your own. Quite often the debates on these stories get quite lively and can be very funny. I have learned quite a lot on a variety of different subjects by reading the commentary of informed people and following it up by doing some reading on my own Unfortunately you don't have much control over what appears in the Trending News.

Having said that, there are a lot of downsides to FB so if you do decide to open an account make sure you set your privacy controls the way you want them. There are plenty of people who want to be your "friend" only to take advantage of you and/or sell you something. Be careful about your posts - someone could "report" you for a bogus cause and you can be blocked from your account by FB. Very often even if all your information is legitimate you can't recover even if you provide the ID they require (and handing over that info is very risky because you will never know what will do with it). So FB is both good and bad depending on your level of activity.
2016-11-17 3:44 pm
Facebook is really fun. It is great for finding childhood friends and friends you lost touch with.When you add friends only add people you actually know in real life As far as etiquette typing in capital letters is considering yelling, so you do not want to do that. Be aware that on Facebook you do not hear tone of voice or see body language. Be selective about what you share Once you post something it is there forever. Watch out from friend requests of people that you do not know. I really hope that helps you out if I helped you please vote me for best answer.
參考: Life I am a Social Media Marketing Director so I am an expert on Facebook Personal experience I REALLY like helping people I can help REALLY I can
2016-11-17 1:12 pm
I'm a 17-year old guy who doesn't have Facebook. Nor am I on Instagram, Snapchat or any other social networking website. Never really got into the whole craze or had any interest in it. I don't really feel like I'm missing out on anything most of the time unless I'm in a group where everyone's talking about something that happened on there. Sure, I feel left out at times as it seems like the only way to convince the world that you exist, but hey, I'm happy without it, and it's the only thing that matters.
2016-11-17 5:11 am
I used to have a Facebook and a mocospace until I seen this, now for the past 2 years I've wondered what's the point of Facebook, it's been ruining lives
2016-11-17 4:53 am
I'm not on any social media either besides this if Y/A counts, idk if it does.
2017-02-11 2:16 pm
參考: Useful Digital Photo Tutorial
2017-01-22 6:01 pm
2016-11-17 9:17 am
No it is not weird, I dont use Facebook, I prefer other social media and blogging sites, i think it weird if people are not on Twitter have a blog as well etc. I know i might miss out on a lot with family, but there also miss out what I have to offer on my blog. I get all my news on forums and on the internet, and any picture/photo of a site I can easily find on the internet without having to go on someones wall to look at it.
2016-11-17 5:07 am
I don't have facebook either and I don't feel like Iam missing anything..I don't get the fascination with it either.I don't need anyone to validate my likes,opiinions,or what I should think.I only have yahoo and limited Wi-Fi.So enjoy that's what I do.
2016-11-17 4:55 am
No, its not weird. I'm a sophomore in high school, and nobody even uses facebook over here except for adults. It was a middle school thing for us. Nowadays we use Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter.
2016-11-17 4:54 am
There's nothing much to do on Facebook, unless you like boring games, constantly 'liking' images and comments, stalking, and post crap that people like.

I have Facebook, but I rarely use it. I don't have instagram, twitter, or the other tons of social media either. They're all basically the same, tbh.

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