What is your biggest fear?

2016-11-17 3:32 am
Please state your sun sign and rising sign with your answer please.

Mine as a female Sagittarius with a Leo rising is being trapped in a loveless relationship.

回答 (11)

2016-11-17 8:55 am
To be around a Pisces all day and everyday.
2016-11-19 5:23 am
I have fear of losing in love
donot know ascendant
scorpio girl
2016-11-18 1:42 pm
My biggest fear is FAILURE. ..???? especially in academic and career.

Virgo Sun
Capricorn rising
參考: Virgo sun Cap moon Cap rising Libra mercury Scorpio Venus Cancer mars Libra Midheaven Aries Imum Coeli
2016-11-17 2:55 pm
Scorpio sun aries moon virgo rising and i literally sit up at night worrying about my kid a cancer and my husbands happiness. When we all get home at night i let them come 2 me.. Yes i test them. And i observe and listen 2 them 4 any clues of unhappiness. Scorpios r protective of their loved ones. They always tell me they love me first. God forbid if sth happens 2 them. I willb right there..
2016-11-17 2:11 pm
My biggest fair is losing my loved ones (family, friends, relatives, people I respect). I am Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Moon, Cancer Rising.
2016-11-17 12:18 pm
My biggest fear is loneliness and being pressured to do anything!!!
參考: Aqua sun,Virgo moon,Taurus rising..
2016-11-17 3:41 am
I am a Leo and my biggest fear is not being able to succeed.
2016-11-19 10:20 pm
One of my biggest fears is being having my entire personality and character prematurely judged simply based on an arbitrary constellation determined by what month I was born in.
2016-11-17 4:10 am
2016-11-17 5:27 pm
You don't have to be trapped in a loveless marriage. YOU always have CHOICE and can leave such a situation.

As for my biggest fear, I have faced all of them at one time or another over my long life. And always I have picked myself up, dusted myself off, and moved on ... getting better and better at becoming happy with each passing decade.

You can too.

As for the astrology of it, neither the Sun nor the Rising Sign answer your question, so you are looking at the wrong part of the birthchart.
The 6th house is traditionally (among other things), the house of our worries and fears. The sign on the cusp of that house tells us how you handle worry/fear. The ruling planet of that sign tells you more specifically .. the sign is the style of your fear. the house that planet is in is what area of life you worry about the most, and how that planet is aspected indicates how easy/difficult it is for you to face and work with your worry/fear.

As for fear about love .;.. EVERYONE has fears about that.
Our personal fears, often NOT consciously admitted, are shown by the 6th house.
2016-11-17 3:35 am
My biggest fear is people asking me questions about astrological signs

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