Should Trump eliminate the population of Mexico with nuclear attacks?

2016-11-17 3:29 am
I mean, why not? It would solve all immigration problems. Mexico would turn into an empty buffer zone between the US and other countries and radiation would keep immigrants from crossing.

What would the US have to lose by doing this?

回答 (24)

2016-11-17 3:35 am
No because we would lose our source of tequila
2016-11-17 10:24 am
Yer an idiot .
2016-11-17 3:47 am
That would destroy Texas as well. Nuclear radiation doesn't care about borders.
2016-11-17 3:32 am
Do you not have any emotion or a sense of morality? People who were born there did not choose to be born in a place less privileged than some others. What if YOU were in that position? People will lose their family and friends. Not to mention the outrage from other countries which would lead to worldwide disaster as all countries bomb each other.
2016-11-17 3:30 am
Lmao quit being stupid haha
2016-11-17 12:45 pm
Should Trump eliminate the population of Mexico with nuclear attacks?
Your'e a RACIST, HATING ... DUMBASS as are you're stupid TROLL buddies > Trump is not !
** Life & Living will be great & good when GOOD prevails over BAD HUMANS !**
2016-11-17 3:31 am
Well, everyone would stop comparing him to Hitler after that.
2016-11-17 3:31 am
Like how hitler tried to wipe out all jews?
2016-11-17 3:30 am
Because there are millions of innocent civilians living in Mexico
2016-11-17 3:32 am
I'd be all for it. Latinos and also blacks are pretty much only good for crime and poverty anyways... no one will miss them.
2016-11-17 3:30 am
He said he would.
2016-11-17 3:30 am
2016-11-18 5:14 pm
I think you forgot about nuclear radiation. The US would be gone too. Plus millions of innocent civilians would be dead and we would lose a majority of our foreign allies because of this mass murder.
2016-11-18 6:47 am
Unfortunately it wouldn't's too Close to the US...Radiation fallout & the wind would blow it back to US which would have a MAJOR affect on the US..i have a MUCH better idea..make ENGLISH the OFFICIAL LANGUAGE of the USA..NO more press 1 for English press 2 for Spanish ALL Govt documents will be in ENGLISH..NO order to get ANY govt assistance you MUST speak read write & understand ENGLISH FLUENTLY.BROKEN English doesn't count..crack down on businesses that hire illegal aliens $250,000 fine PER illegal MANDINTORY 5 years in prison same applies to landlords that rent to illegal aliens..NO medical care for illegal aliens NO benefits for illegal aliens PERIOD..if this was implemented & STRICTLY ENFORCED they would SELF deport OVERNIGHT& NOT costing US citizens a DIME!
2016-11-18 2:35 am
2016-11-18 2:16 am
That won't help in solving our illegal Mexican immigration problem. The wall is the better option. Yes, Trump did change his stance to a double-layered fence, but the use of nuclear weapons against Mexico is not a solution to the problem, and it never will be such! Nuclear attacks will turn back time, on US-Mexico relations. The nuclear strikes will have its fallout go across the border. Also, there is multiple security barriers to get through, to allow the use of nuclear weapons, and it does go through Congress. Are you saying that to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, you need to commit an act of mass-genocide against an entire country? That won't MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! It will do the exact opposite: make America worse!
2016-11-18 1:35 am
2016-11-17 5:38 pm
That is horrible why harm innocents to stop a problem that can not be properly prevented a Nuclear attack would most probably affect parts of the U.S too. People can not help where they live who they are so why punish them for it. and someone you know may be there 'hypothetically speaking' if it was to happen and they didn't know no one knew they were there.
2016-11-17 4:42 pm
nukes are never a good remedy and the wind could send a radition cloud across a large segment of the u.s. causing major problems for us.
2016-11-17 12:15 pm
Because prevailing winds will blow radioactive fall out across the United States, wiping out all life in America.
You want to be a dumb@ss, there's easier ways of committing suicide.

F*cking stupid kids nowadays. Dumber than dirt and less than worthless.
2016-11-17 7:47 am
The fallout would hurt people in the USA. Also, who would do the work? Face reality, the bubbas are f'ing lazy. That's why they are fat as hogs.
2016-11-17 4:44 am
That's silly.
2016-11-17 4:21 am
Alicia, are you a psycho?
2016-11-17 3:44 am
Sanity does not run in your family, does it?

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