Are you theists and atheists (agonistics too) ready up for a little debate?

2016-11-17 3:28 am
This will be formal, as to rule out logical fallacies. Comment on errors by commenting on the comments, please (ugh that didn't make sense). Your argument must be like this:

Postulate #1
Infinity generates infinite possibilities

Postulate #2
The universe is infinite

1. The universe is infinite (#2)
2. The universe generates infinite possibilities (#1, if a implies b and b implies c, a implies c)
3. In infinite possibilities, anything can and with infinite time, happen (infinite monkeys with typewriters)
4. Then there is a god, because a god being formed can and will happen. (In set infinity, God is a term. God will happen, because since all of set infinity follows rule 3, a term in the set will to.)
5. God is real. (If there is something, it's real)

Disproof (in the comments below the actual answer)
Infinite time has not gone by and never will. It will happen, there is no proof it has already.

Follow this structure when answering your argument

I will edit like this when I need to comment on things going wrong. For example, if someone had a postulate that is not trustworthy; God has to be somewhere, if he isn't hes not real I would point out and update the rules. For this example I would say: Prove postulate 1.


******* everyone has been using my example, as my thoughts. Looks like no one knows how to read.

回答 (6)

2016-11-17 3:43 am
My cat's breath smells like cat food.

And all the logical posturing in the world isn't going to prove anything about god or gods.

And you can't even spell "agnostics", so you are not worth taking seriously.

I'm assuming that the "2004" in your name refers either to your year of birth or the last time you ever attended a school of any kind.

Also there's another question where you demonstrate that you don't even understand what a theory is, scientifically speaking. You're an uneducated moron of the highest order trying and failing to sound intelligent.
2016-11-17 4:58 am
Sounds like fun, maybe? I'm not sure what you're proposing. Are you presenting these postulates and arguments as an example of something we should be proposing as a debate topic? Or are you presenting these as something to be argued against? Or something else entirely?

In case it matters, your postulate, "Infinity generates infinite possibilities", is nonsense. Infinity is a mathematical concept. If you mean something like, "given an infinite amount of time, everything possible will happen", that's a subject for philosophy; there's no science behind it, and obviously, can't be, without first having an infinite amount of time as a test case.

Rather than posting updates, I recommend you just post a new question, after giving some thought on how to be clearer about what you're proposing.
2016-11-17 4:11 am
Science 101: No natural entity can exist without an origin that is, without coming into existence.
Science 101: No natural event can occur without a pre-existing cause.
Science 101: No natural entity can be infinite.
2016-11-17 3:28 am
Postulate #1
Infinity generates infinite possibilities

Postulate #2
The universe is infinite

1. The universe is infinite (#2)
2. The universe generates infinite possibilities (#1, if a implies b and b implies c, a implies c)
3. In infinite possibilities, anything can and with infinite time, happen (infinite monkeys with typewriters)
4. Then there is a god, because a god being formed can and will happen. (In set infinity, God is a term. God will happen, because since all of set infinity follows rule 3, a term in the set will to.)
5. God is real. (If there is something, it's real)

This is only an example.
2016-11-17 6:44 am
Everything you just said is a possibility except a fish can not turn into a lizard and a rock can not deliver amino acids from space which made the first self replicating life forms.

Let' s work from what we know; Before everything else, the void was filled with darkness (because there was no source of light) and extreme coldness (because there was no source of heat). In these conditions nothing can spontaneously expand or explode and there are no possibilities in these conditions except for status quo to remain forever.

However, there things that are not affected by coldness or darkness because they are matterless; these are the values (infinite knowledge/love/wisdom e.t.c all found in spirits)- from these came everything else and matter is basically knowledge at rest- from matter everything else can be explained.
2016-11-17 3:39 am
1 Is just stats. Check the chances you got to win the lottery on a base of 50000 numbers to chose and only 5 will be sorted (winners). For the winner those chances were 100%, as his numbers were sorted. For the "all" loosers (not even one on this 5 to find), 0%. No matter how infinite the possibilities are.

2 the universe is not infinite at all, it has a size, an age.

3 the story about monkeys tiping is not relevant because of random : one monkey can rewrite Romeo and Juliet in 10 hours if his first try is the good one. The number of possibilities is not important. They are not supposed to type in an order or another, if you choose to rewrite Romeo and Juliet by using the alphabet, that will take billions years, as the first attempt will just be as many "a" as the novel does have letters.

4 Then there is no god, as our universe is not infinite at all, it does have a date of expiration as any yoghourt.

5 So this is false too.

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