My younger brother dropped a pencil in my fish tank what do I do?

2016-11-16 10:13 pm
I have a new 20-gallon tank that I started cycling a few days ago. My younger brother decided it would be a good idea to drop a pencil inside the water. There are no fish inside it the tank yet (obliviously) and I'm worried something from the pencil might harm the fish when I put them in the tank. I have no idea what to do. Should I just continue cycling the tank or should I empty out the water and start over? This is probably a really stupid question but any answers will be helpful, thanks.

回答 (17)

2016-11-17 2:47 am
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Wow, sorry some people aren't taking your question seriously. I mean really, leave the fish in with the pencil so they learn to write? COME ON!!! ????????
Anyway, like others have said, I count the pencil will do anything. Just keep cycling the tank ???? I hope you enjoy your new 20 gallon tank! I wanted a tank for my 15th birthday but I got a 10 gallon...I'm still very grateful though!!! ????????❤️️❤️️????
2016-11-17 1:39 am
Just take the pencil out. It should not hurt anything. You don't have to start all over.
2016-11-17 1:06 am
We voted; remove the pencil, but don't do anything else. A pencil is not harmful.

Dry off the pencil and write yourself a note:
Hide the food and don't let him mess with fish tank cleaning supplies either.
2016-11-17 12:01 am
The pencil isn't going to do anything. Just take it out and move on
2016-11-16 10:15 pm
Let the fish be in there with it. Over the next following weeks they will learn to wield it to write and therefore read which will make them very smart. They will even gain the power of speech and will have full blown conversations in English. If you don't want that to happen, take the pencil out. (Wow some people don't know sarcasm and have criticized me like I was dead serious) ;)
2016-11-19 6:34 pm
Nothing will happen. 1. a pencil is graphite not lead. 2. a lot of people use lead weights in tank to anchor plants while they take root. 3. How old is your brother? Because next thing he dumps in there may be a lot more harmful and a lot harder to detect.
參考: Aquarium enthusiast/director of marine biology dept at Cambridge university.
2016-11-17 6:07 am
Remove the pencil, its not a big deal but you might want to lock down the lid before something dangerous gets dropped in there.
2016-11-16 11:00 pm
no worries. I used a pencil to make a HOB filter sit higher on the tank before for years... while it wasn't in the tank it was wet all the time from filter water hitting it somehow and I'm sure that water ran back into the tank, no ill effects.
2016-11-21 2:27 am
First, ensure that you have correctly setup drip loops, and that that there is no water on the cords, then, unplug the tank, the filter, heater, lights etc, take the pencil out, then plug everything back in, and keep cycling it, and always use a check-valve when adding airstones to the tank to also prevent electrocution . Make sure no one touches/taps on the tank after you add the fish, as this will stress out the fish. Also, make sure to add a small bit of fish food to the tank once every other day to ensure that it in fact cycling, and have the store test the water before you buy the fish to ensure that is has finished cycling.
2016-11-16 10:20 pm
... take out the pencil and you're fine.. whats the problem here?
2016-11-16 10:16 pm
A pencil most likely wold not harm fish
2016-11-16 10:14 pm
Nothing will happen.
No need to change the water
Remove the pencil.
Your fish will never know.
2016-11-19 10:48 pm
Don't worry. You can do a water change or put two drops of water conditioner in there. ????
2016-11-19 4:12 am
Tip of a pencil is made of lead which might be harmful if consumed by the fish so change the water as a precaution
2016-11-17 5:13 am
2016-11-16 10:17 pm
If I were you, id just do a 20% water change just incase
2016-11-18 9:19 am
You have to wash the tank several times and install a filter. The lead from the pencil is unlikely to harm your fish but you should still be cautious.

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