Have you ever see your Soul?

2016-11-16 4:57 am

回答 (13)

2016-11-16 5:13 am
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Souly 😔
2016-11-16 5:02 am
how can you see your true self? There are no spiritual mirrors.
2016-11-16 10:50 pm
I haven't, no. But I have seen the user Soul's picture of how she looks like. :)
2016-11-16 9:00 am
I don't have one to see.
2016-11-16 4:57 am
I saw it in my dreams
2016-11-16 5:43 am
2016-11-16 5:43 am
2016-11-16 5:27 am
Not yet fully.
2016-11-16 5:08 am
Do not have to see it,know it well..its a part of me..came into
life with it..Will leave, with it to..
So,will all..do the very same..Acknowledge or denied.~*
2016-11-16 5:02 am
2016-11-16 4:59 am
2016-11-16 4:59 am
no. ive seen it dragged across a floor in a dream. but not IT.
2016-11-16 4:57 am
souls dont exist

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