What does it mean "within last calendar year"? It means 11/15/2015 - 11/15/2016 or 1/1/2015 - 12/31/2016? Thanks?

2016-11-16 3:37 am

or 1/1/2015 - 12/31/2015?

回答 (9)

2016-11-16 3:39 am
From the first day of the year to the last.
2016-11-16 4:00 am
A calendar year is the year from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31.
2016-11-17 4:41 pm
From January the first to December the 31st.

Note also that Americans are unusual in using "12/31/2016". Most nations use "31/12/2016". For Britons "9/11" would mean the 9th of November, were it not for the attack on the twin towers on the eleventh of September.
2016-11-16 3:01 pm
It means Jan 1, 2015 - Dec 31, 2015. The current calendar year will not be completed until after Dec 31, 2016. Generally, a calendar year starts Jan 1st and ends Dec 31st, in the same year.
2016-11-16 12:42 pm
The last calendar year is 1/1/2015--12/31/2015.
2016-11-16 11:46 am
I believe it means 1/1/2015 to 12/31/15. But you can always clarify with the company or organization. Simple solution.
2016-11-16 4:24 am
Today, it would be 1/1/15-12/31/15.

1/1/16-12/31/16 would be within this calendar year.
2016-11-16 12:50 pm
it depends on the context. Some things are only known for the previous calendar year Jan-Dec (like your income that was declared for taxes), but if the question refers to driving infractions, it would refer to one year before today (from Nov 17 last year until Nov 16 this year, given that it is Nov 16 today). The fact that they have to define "calendar" year suggests that another type of year could be interpreted, and the most common not-calendar years are school year and fiscal year. They wouldn't mean those; they would mean the closest calendar year equivalent.

I would tend to interpret "not school year" as meaning a full year back from today, and "not fiscal year" as the last full calendar year (2015).
2016-11-16 9:30 am
It could mean within the period 17th November 2015 to today, 16th Nov 2016 or the last year ending 31st Dec 2015

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