樓契文件 Certified copy Letter of Confirmation dated?

2016-11-15 10:37 am
請問在贖樓文件中有一份 Certified copy Letter of Confirmation dated XX.XX.XXXX的文件重要嗎? 這張文件有什麼用? 因唔小心弄污糟左這張文件, 這份文件又無在田土廳注冊所以不能申請副本, 會唔會影響日後樓宇買賣和業權的完整性架? 請幫幫忙教吓我, 謝謝

回答 (1)

2016-11-15 5:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Mostly no.

2. Unknown. It depends on the detail. Also - it is a copy.

3. No if it has not been a portion of the deed.

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