Could a 16 year old run away to another state and still attend school?

2016-11-15 3:31 am
obviously just a hypothetical, i wouldn't wanna live in these conditions such as having to sleep on the street but i am curious for the answer.

could A 16 year old run away from home, leave the state, live on the streets, and sign up to attend public high school on that state without an adult?

回答 (3)

2016-11-15 3:38 am
Nope. Only a legla guardian can enroll the student and proof of residency is also required
2016-11-15 3:52 am
Doubtful. You cannot sign yourself in. An adult has to do that.
2016-11-15 3:40 am
No. If you want to attend school you must have an address and schools need your past school records too. You also need an adult, a guardian.

Once a child runs away a loving parent contacts the police who start a search. Thanks to social media the run aways face is spread all over the USA. I'm a member of a few groups online that shares pictures of missing kids often. So the public is on the search for this missing child. A run away will also have trouble getting a job since they need identification which includes a social security number. So no school or job for a run away.

收錄日期: 2021-04-22 00:08:14
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