my grass is turning brown why?

2016-11-14 1:26 pm

what should i buy

回答 (37)

2016-11-16 9:51 pm
Dog urine, bird poop, and spit.
2016-11-16 7:07 pm
your cursed by ansestors
2016-11-14 1:41 pm
It's fall.
2016-11-14 1:27 pm
it is dying it needs water
2016-12-02 10:25 pm
if you are in the south we did indeed have an invasion of Army Worms. a type of caterpillar. they decimated the green parts of the grass but left the roots. especially in the bermuda grass. Hoping for a beautiful full regrowth in the spring.
2016-11-22 12:32 pm
'cause we are coming into winter and it is dying back
2016-11-22 11:44 am
you may have a fungus... get someone from a lawn service or a local nursery come out and look at it...
2016-11-20 4:22 pm
2016-11-19 9:05 pm
Use normal fertilisers and make sure there is no salt value is more in water don't use salty water for grass
2016-11-19 5:50 pm
its natural process
2016-11-19 11:31 am
check the soil also it might be the fertilizer
2016-11-18 9:16 am
Stop pooping on it.
2016-11-18 3:05 am
2016-11-17 10:32 pm
Lack of water. I presume you do water it regularly!
2016-11-17 10:00 pm
It might lack watering
2016-11-17 6:02 pm
It may just need water
2016-11-17 4:18 pm
Depending on the climate you live in, a lack of a good amount of rain can cause the grass to begin drying out. When is the last time you remember any rain?
2016-11-17 2:55 am
if it is saint augustine then it goes dormant during the fall.
2016-11-17 12:54 am
just like what is said in Game of Thrones .... "Winter is coming"
2016-11-16 10:47 pm
2016-11-16 5:41 pm
just Lack of water
2016-11-16 4:56 pm
Lack of water
2016-11-16 4:08 pm
A dog or cat pissed on it.
2016-11-16 4:22 am
Because Winter is near.
2016-11-15 6:04 pm
It's November. Here in North America, it's the onset of the time of dormancy for most plants.
2016-11-15 5:03 pm
water worms
2016-11-15 4:14 pm
must be burnt, either the sun burns the grass where their is a lack of watering to the grass, my adviceis either get a chemical from the store or add lots of water, see if you get a difference. lack of water.
2016-11-15 2:19 pm
You may have a fungus. Get someone from a lawn service or a local nursery come out and look at it.
2016-11-15 8:38 am
Sometimes if mowed too low this will happen.........if it needs fertilizer this will help.
good luck on finding solutions..
2016-11-15 5:56 am
Low deficiency of fertilizer and food
Low watering
Low maintenance .
2016-11-15 5:48 am
not knowing your state of residence nor the variety of grass you have, it's difficult to answer. St Augustine, a common type of grass in the u.s. mostly goes dormant in the winter, then will start to come back in the spring. we live in so cal so it doesn't go completely dormant in our region, though i would imagine snowy regions would differ.

if you happen to live in Houston area, i just read today that there's a webworm ruining the grasses. i didn't look into it, as i don't live there. far as which grass seed to purchase, go to your local garden nursery and find out if you can seed over your existing grass. you'll only want to do this if you're in a mild climate. 'winter rye' is typical winter seed in warm regions, and you'll want to do it now to give it time to germinate.
2016-11-15 4:40 am
It depends what country you are in and therefore what the climate is in November.
2016-11-15 12:14 am
Depends...........may be going dormant for the winter.
2016-11-14 10:01 pm
Lack of water or natural fall process
2016-11-14 7:01 pm
water losing phosphates
2016-11-14 1:33 pm
Probaby because it's not being watered
2016-11-14 1:30 pm
Because we are coming into winter and it is dying back
2016-11-14 3:36 pm
Morning dew settling on the grass, and freezing real early, and them disappearing.
You can cover it with tarp at night. .[???]

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