(英文翻中文) 1.無論John如何多做解釋,警方就是不相信他。2.Ben的特色之一就是他在有壓力的狀況下總能保持樂觀。3. jack穿上蜘蛛人的服裝,試著使他兒子驚喜。?

2016-11-14 11:53 am

回答 (2)

2016-11-14 12:49 pm
The translation from C/E:-
(1) Whatever explanations John gives, the police don't believe him.
(2)It's a particular character of Ben that he always remains optimistic in a stress situation.
(3)Jack put on his spider-man costume, trying to surprise his son.
2016-11-14 2:46 pm
Translate these into Chinese, please.

Police disregards the continuous explanation from John.

One of the traits of Ben's is that he always keeps his cool, even under stress.

3. jack穿上蜘蛛人的服裝,試著使他兒子驚喜。
Jack put on his Spider Man costume to surprise his son.

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