Why are lead singers rude and selfish?

2016-11-14 4:49 am
Every band I've been in they treat me and the other members like crap. I just wanna be a guitar player and have fun, but they're always yelling at us and acting like they own us. It's one thing if it's a solo project, but I thought in a band it was about everyone having fun and having a say. Should I take voice lessons and go solo?

回答 (4)

2016-11-15 4:20 am
They're just playing their role. Your role is to sullenly resent them and eventually break the band up.
2016-11-14 8:59 pm
Because where would you be without them?
2016-11-14 1:13 pm
It's called LSD (Lead Singer's Disease). It happens because in most bands, especially with young people, the rest of the band is too shy to sing or they think they aren't good enough. This makes lead singers think they are the most important part of the band while deep down they know they have very little talent compared to everyone else who has had to actually work and study to play their instrument. They're just lucky they happen to have a voice.

What you need to do is remind lead singers that they are nothing without the band. Tell them how far they will get in music while singing to themselves in their bedroom.
2016-11-14 4:51 am

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