Good part time jobs for a 16 year old girl?

2016-11-14 3:16 am
So I'm in high school and I have my own car that my parents got me. I have to pay for the gas on my own and so I need a job. It would also be nice to have some money. The promblem is that I'm a cheerleader too and have practice almost every day. I'm free on weekends but I'd like to be able to hang out with friends sometimes too. I'm looking for an easy part time job to maintain and give me a little extra money but not take up all my time. Thanks!!

回答 (4)

2016-11-14 3:18 am
target.. gives good money and not a lot of hours for part time.
Also depending on where you live, jo ann fabrics only gives one shift a week for teens under 18
2016-11-21 12:42 pm
Here are ideas for part time jobs in general, not necessarily just for high school students, .

And here's a list of jobs for teens, .
2016-11-14 3:22 am
Mc Donald's, a car wash, or the movie theater are all good options.
2016-11-14 4:38 am
It is hard enough to get a job as a 16 year old without expecting it to be easy and fit your social schedule.

收錄日期: 2021-04-22 00:06:40
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