16 year old brother pees on toilet seat, and drips on floor what do i do?

2016-11-13 3:49 pm
ok so my 16 year old brother pees on the toilet rim then it drips down the toilet seat and i almost sat in it once, also when ever i go in there their is always dribbles of pee on the floor, and it happens every single time he goes so i dont want to have to monitor him all day every day

回答 (6)

2016-11-13 5:00 pm
That's what you get for getting your period blood all over the place!!
2016-11-14 3:24 am
Need to tell him to aim better and clean up after himself, or you will tell your parents to get him to do that.
2016-11-13 5:19 pm
2016-11-13 4:36 pm
tell him to stop being dtupid
2016-11-13 4:21 pm
If it were me, I start by telling him straight up to STOP pissing all over the toilet, or if he does he needs to wipe it up.
If he fails to take action and you end up still having to wipe it up, just toss the tissues on his bed.
2016-11-13 4:09 pm
than make him clean it up

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