Battle of Jutland (WW1) Why?How?Tactics?

2016-11-13 8:16 am

回答 (3)

2016-11-15 3:55 am
The Germans had planned on using submarines to intercept the British fleet.
The British left port earlier then the Germans expected, avoiding the U-boats.
The British engaged the enemy in a series of sea battles, while the Germans had planned on a single major one. The British were able to break off the engagements before the Germans could get into the planned battle formation.
The Germans wanted to get their fleet into the Atlantic to interrupt shipments from the America's. The British wanted to do enough damage to prevent that force from being relevant.
The British had superior numbers, the Germans had superior ships.
The British decoded the "orders" to the U-boat captains and had a much better idea of what the Germans were going to do then the Germans had of the British plans.
2016-11-13 8:22 am
Sounds like a job for... Wikipedia!
2016-11-13 8:21 am

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