What is the real reason why you are not happy trump won? Is it just because of his personality alone?

2016-11-13 4:01 am
Be honest, is because of his personality alone? Or are there other reasons?

回答 (2)

2016-11-13 5:53 am
There are other reasons. He has good personality. However, like all candidates, he made strong statements in campaigning. Many things were exaggerations for dramatic effect. But they scared people into thinking he was going to deport their mother, bar their relatives from entering the country to visit, force their women to have babies even when they don't want to. People protest when they get scared like that.
2016-11-13 4:14 am
it's his personality

he's incapable of forming coherent sentences. he's incapable of making simple, unequivocal statements, and he constantly revises "what he really meant" after the fact, when he's criticized for making an a ss of himself.

he's got fantastically thin skin, easily becomes obsessed with verbally attacking absolutely anyone, even for slight or imagined slights, threatens to sue news outlets if they don't say nice things about him, and confabulates about widespread "conspiracies" against himself at the drop of a hat.

he's famously ignorant of even basic facts related to the presidency. he gives vague, rambling answers to questions about which he knows nothing, like when he was asked what he thought of the nuclear tripod.

he changes his positions constantly, to suit whatever audience he's currently talking at.

and of course he's obviously a sexist, he's also made statements that were, according to ryan, the republican, examples of textbook racism, and he's made several statements revealing at least some leanings towards fascism

in short, he is unstable, immature, and in general a gold plated douchebag

the most hopeful thing you can say about the coming administration is the likelihood that his butt standard gop insider handlers will tie him down securely enough so that he won't be able to do any real damage

收錄日期: 2021-04-22 00:03:48
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