( )Why not ___ to the cosplay show with us this evening ?(1)go(2)going(3)do we go (4)we go?

2016-11-12 4:48 am

回答 (3)

2016-11-12 9:37 am
(--) Why not (1)go to the cosplay show with us this evening ?
---why not go=why don't you go
---=attended, invited.
2016-11-12 6:43 am
2016-11-12 5:09 am
應選(1) go

Why don't you come and see me next Sunday?
= Why not come and see me next Sunday?
p.1586 <新世紀英漢辭典>

Why not go to the cosplay show ....
= Why don't you go to the cosplay show ....

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