Vote. Soda or Juice ?!?

2016-11-12 3:35 am
Which do u perfer ? I wanna take a poll!

回答 (13)

2016-11-12 3:42 am
Not into soda..Love juice..endless..juices..~*
2016-11-12 3:37 am
Juice. Soda messed me up; haven't touched it for over a year.
2016-11-12 5:31 am
2016-11-12 4:14 am
2016-11-12 4:09 am
Apple Juice.
2016-11-12 4:06 am
2016-11-12 4:01 am
Soda, I like the carbonation :) juice makes my stomach hurt
2016-11-12 3:59 am
I love soda. I also have one of those soda machines at home. :)
2016-11-12 3:54 am
Neither. I prefer water.
2016-11-12 3:53 am
What about crush. It's juice and soda
2016-11-12 3:40 am
Soda ☐
Juice ☑️
2016-11-12 3:36 am
2016-11-12 3:39 am
You got me there ... I love juice, and I love soda. My daily soda intake I guess is due to my addiction to caffeine, and sugar.

Juice, I love orange juice with breakfast.

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