Donald trump is our new president. How do you feel about it.?

2016-11-11 4:33 pm

回答 (8)

2016-11-11 4:34 pm

The good people of America won
2016-11-11 4:35 pm
Amazing. I don't care about the insulting things hes said, as long as he does right with this country. I am a white, republican female and I love our new president!!
2016-11-11 4:34 pm
I supported him. He and the GOP better deliver.
2016-11-11 5:43 pm
Thrilled! I didn't think it was possible that the good people could win.
2016-11-11 4:39 pm
The lesser of two evils won, let's see how he does.
2016-11-13 2:44 am
I feel like we should all go to hell but, we cant because we are already in hell , because if we weren't the devil aka Donald trump WOULDNT HAVE BECOME PRESIDENT IN THE FIRST PLACE
2016-11-11 5:24 pm
feel nothing!
either he will be good or not.
2016-11-11 4:36 pm
gosh, I couldn't decide whether to answer this question, or the 100 other times it was posted..

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