do you think it s weird for a guy to drink a Shirley temple?

2016-11-11 5:00 am

回答 (8)

2016-11-11 12:25 pm
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It just shows that a guy is either health-conscious or doesn't like alcohol, or both. Nothing wrong with it.
2016-11-11 5:41 am
It's just juice. It's weird to feel that your sexuality may be threatened just by drinking some juice.
2016-11-25 3:50 am
2016-11-16 7:26 pm
nah thingy
2016-11-11 5:04 am
no a girl or a guy can drink it
2016-11-11 7:08 pm
I dont think so
2016-11-11 1:44 pm
2016-11-11 8:38 am
They call it a "Shirley Temple" when it is served to a little girl, but when they serve it to a boy, they call it a "Roy Rogers"
2016-11-11 7:13 am
Only if you are over 13 years old.................cheers.
2016-11-11 5:12 am
Weely? I've never had a Shirley Temple.

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