I met a perfect woman but she voted for crooked Hitlery Clinton and I don't think I can raise children with a woman like that?

2016-11-11 3:00 am
I met this girl online who I've been chatting with for the last month. She is perfect in every way possible. She is a 10/10 physically aside from her colostomy bag (which is not her fault). She is sweet, compassionate, smart, funny, she doesn't eat meat and she's helping me become vegan. I can imagine raising a family with this girl. She is bringing out my romantic side. I feel butterflies every time I talk to her. I feel like a giddy teenager who is talking to his crush every time I receive a text message from her. But she hates Donald Trump and she voted for Killary Clinton. She is also disappointed in me for voting for Trump. She said she lost a bit of respect for me. Well I lost a LOT of respect for her for voting for HELLary. Could me and this girl ever be compatible? Is there a chance for us? How can I get over her horrible political views and convince her to raise our future children conservative?

回答 (23)

2016-11-12 7:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Is she willing to do anything you want sexually ? how hot are we talking about ? marry her especially if she is younger because she will look hotter for a longer time. don't make the mistake i made and marry someone your age. my wife got old and ugly fast. so its her fault i had to start groping and masturbating in front of much younger women to feel like a real man. its her fault i have to be registered as a sex offender and can't see my kids plays in their schools now.
2016-11-11 9:25 am
We all have rights... welcome to reality buddy. No one should never be disrespected like that no matter what you think of their political views, opinions, or anything for that matter. Many people voted for Hillary because she took a stand for women's rights, equality, to love people, show respect, and cared about lowing costs for college students, equal pay, better education, and some were the same views and mindset as Trumps. Most of the time they are. I never liked Trump for a long time and have never had seen him as Presidential material, nor he has any experience to handle leading a country.

He has bankrupt many of his businesses, doesnt do his taxes, treats women like they are sexual objects, hes so arrogant, and loud! I would rather listen to Hillary, the Obama's, and even Bush then Trump! All the other Presidents before him were gracious, confident, intelligence, respectful, and classy no matter how they feel about an issue, or the person. Of all of Obama's speeches, he was trying to teach Congress to get along and to set aside their differences with both parties and listen to eachother, instead of fighting. Thats how you run a country. Congress didn't want Trump in. He never got the popular vote, just the electoral collage vote, which said a lot about how America wanted Clinton. She fought wars for this country and found Bin laden while Bush didn't for those 8 years in term. They got most of the top leaders of ISIS and the Taliban. That is why terrorists came back to our soil and wanted revenge. Their religion also plays a role.. you all who voted for Trump should know what happened! From all of the comments I was reading about Obama not doing anything.... they were living under a rock!! Your new girlfriend has a lot more intelligence then you do! Good for her. You dont treat women with such disrespect and an unequal, not valued. This is exactly who Trump is. This is not how you treat a human being either. You sound like an immature and self entitled early 20 year old young man who should take some lessons on manners and respect.
2016-11-19 8:10 am
Five minutes ago, you were still a virgin at age 31. Maybe don't jump the gun and worry about raising kids just yet, huh? LOL
2016-11-11 3:24 am
It's not a clear fact, but people who have different political views will never go well in the long run because you're subjected to many arguments and no one wants to argue.
2016-11-11 5:13 am
There is no such thing as a perfect woman

Unfortunately different religious and political beliefs values are a deciding factor in determining the success of a relationship marriage research shows

But seriously anyone who votes for Hillary are not very intelligent if anything they are brain dead liberal zombies feminist sheep
When different beliefs values clash you will have arguements on how to raise children how your family will function
It's too late for her mate sorry ;(
You can't save her
2016-11-11 3:05 am
i have a feeling that kids would not turn out to be decent, normal adults if they were raised by you. You're obviously someone who can't mature with age. I can tell from the way you talk and think. And no, its not cuz u support donald trump. It would be best for you to never have any influence kids.
And no, don't try to change. Because I honestly doubt you would be able to.
Any woman who finds you to be a suitable partner is immature herself.
2016-11-11 5:30 am
Unfortunately, a lot of women just voted for Hillary because she's a woman, they didn't look into her policies at all, they just wanted a female president.

Blindly voting is a major problem in the U.S.

If you two were to have kids, don't force them to a certain political standing, instead, it would be better to show them both sides, and let them decide themselves as to what they would like to vote for.

America needs an educated generation so the same mistakes are not repeated over and over again, forcing someone to believe in something, whether it is political, or religious, is one of those mistakes, and it is very wrong. Educate them in each side, and let them decide for themselves.

I hope your political views do not ruin your relationship, the hate Trump receives is the product of misinformation, and soon enough, America will realize that.
2016-11-11 1:41 pm
look at mary matalin and james carville. during the 1992 election, she was a political strategist for george bush and he was a strategist for bill clinton. but, they got married.

you can disagree with each other's political opinions and still respect and love each other. but, the rest of the country can't seem to do it so why should you?
2016-11-11 8:47 pm
She has her reasons, I'm sure.
She seems quite intelligent from how you described her, so just because her views are different to yours doesn't mean she's bad. She just values different things to you, or thinks Hillary would make a better president. Hell, she might even think that YOUR political views are bad. She probably thinks that changing Hillary's name to Hellary or Hitlary is pretty immature, too. Just respect her views and she'll respect yours. Ask her if she's a Liberal or a Conservative.
Maybe it's a little soon to think about kids and stuff yet anyway, as you're with people more you tend to pick up little pieces of eachothers personality so you could either become closer as a result of that, or she'll dislike that you're being immature and making a big deal over who she voted for and gradually talk to you less. Talk about your values with her and see if you have any in common.
2016-12-22 7:59 am
Since you're obviously a forever virgin. This is your rare chance to ever get laid. I highly recommend to have sex with her the very first chance you get. That is foolish to vote for Trump. Stupid people, anti-human types, bigots, misfits, rapists, beta-males, mentally ill, etc. are the only people that would vote for Trump. I didn't vote for Clinton either. About having kids with her, I highly recommend you don't do that. It might not work out in the long run.

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