Should I get a rabbit or guinea pig?

2016-11-11 12:38 am
I'd had guinea pigs before but I don't know if I should get a rabbit or guinea pig? Please put pros and cons of rabbits

回答 (4)

2016-11-11 12:49 am
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This question is better suited for other;pets as rabbits are not rodents.

This is a difficult question to answer, as of course, as you might imagine, it depends on the individual person. I ll list the pros and cons of rabbits, as you asked. Seems you aren t curious about the guinea pigs?

- Rabbits, like guinea pigs, have an incredibly strict diet including a limited amount of pellets based on their weight, at least a cup of veggies and unlimited grass hay. Guinea pigs have a similar diet.
- They need a lot of space, so much that some people simply can t provide it. They need to hop four times across the cage, spread out fully, and stand comfortably on their hind legs. Free-roam is the best way to keep them, like a dog or cat. Even with so much space most will require playtime out of cage.
- They re long lived, and aren t suitable for young people who are going to college or moving out in the future.
- They are costly, and females absolutely MUST be spayed before they re five years old, or chances are they ll develop uterine cancer.

- They live 8-12 years, and sometimes older, making them a suitable pet for people who are looking for longterm companions. Again, this is a downfall for younger people.
- Rabbits are some of the more confident animals, and are definitely usually more affectionate than a guinea pig.
- Like all animals, they have diverse personalities and never ail to entertain.
- Rabbits can learn tricks much like dogs or cats.
- Rabbits, unlike guinea pigs, can be free-roam animals, allowing for extra bonding time.
- They re inquisitive and intelligent.
- Unlike guinea pigs, they can go through surgery without as many complications, which can be lifesaving!

I recommend rabbits.
2016-11-15 1:41 pm
Since this is a cooking group, I'll answer it thus: Get a rabbit. They taste better.
2016-11-11 1:02 am
I have had my rabbit for 7 years now and I love him.
Pros: Biting and scratching are learned traits, so it is possible to find a rabbit that never learned how to be aggressive even when they are in pressed situations

Male rabbits especially are very affectionate and very loyal

Rabbits make facial expressions, even smirk their lips or dance (cute little twirls while hopping on carpet) when they're happy or wink, even wag their tail, you just have to pay attention

They are low maintenance and inexpensive, house rabbits especially do not need shots or special checkups. All they need is timothy hay, pellets, a large secure space to play, maybe toys if you feel like it, and regular affection (bunnies get depressed if they feel lonely)

They're CUTE AND SNUGGLY, their fur is very plush and soft, petting them helps with anxiety and blood pressure issues

I've noticed that guinea pigs tend to stink a little. Rabbits aren't like this, especially if you use smell-neutralizing paper litter.

Con's: they will chew through everything if you don't know how to train them or remove valuable items

You have to let them out of their hutch. If you let them outside you have to be extremely careful to keep them away from scary things-bunnies die of heart attacks-and wild animals and have to keep them from digging through the earth or eating dangerous plants

If you let them out indoors, bunnies poop and tinkle everywhere if you don't litter box train them, and litter box training a rabbit is a very long and frustrating process in which there is a 50 percent chance it will be completely successful, it depends on the rabbit and on you.

Bunnies have sensitive stomachs because of bacteria, especially when they're older. My bunny's geriatric and has almost died of stasis multiple times. We help regulate his bacteria level with silver water and loads of timonthy hay, but its up to you what you think is best to keep their tummy happy

It takes a while to build a bunny's trust. And if you lose that trust you have to build it again. They will with old affection until they can trust you.

It is against bunny's biology to be picked up, they associate it with being captured and eaten in the wild. If you want to cuddle with a bunny you'd have to train them to be comfortable with it from when they're a baby

Bunnies need their nails clipped, but some bunnies are stubborn and youd have to go to a vet. They are considered exotic pets, you have to find a vet that understands them AND won't try to take advantage of you (there are a lot of money traps in the veterinary industry. Research for yourself what is actually necessary, or what the inexpensive alternatives are. For one, if you neuter a make rabbit you actually open him up to disease or pain, and lots of bunnies can't recover from the "necessary" surgeries. Most of the time, a bunny is only expensive when a vet wants them to be.)

They need attention and love or else they get depressed, if you can't regularly provide, the bunny will be miserable
2016-11-11 12:51 am
How about a ferret, I think they are better than either.
2016-11-11 12:45 am
It depends on the size of your penis

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