Why do some liberals still believe Trump will start a war with Russia?

2016-11-10 8:50 pm
Some liberals say that the US will start a war with Russia and the other half say that the US is too friendly with Russia. Liberal stupidity either way though.

回答 (6)

2016-11-10 8:51 pm
Some liberals are not too bright, that's why. LOL
2016-11-10 9:05 pm
Trump's a Russian puppet. Why would we think that he wants a war with his handlers?

"Russia says it was in touch with Trump's campaign during election"
{The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect Donald Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and knows most of his entourage, one of Russia's most senior diplomats told the Interfax news agency on Thursday. Accused by defeated Democratic contender Hillary Clinton of being a puppet of President Vladimir Putin after praising the Russian leader, Trump has dismissed suggestions he had anything to do with the Russian government during the campaign..."There were contacts," Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. "We are doing this and have been doing this during the election campaign."}
2016-11-10 9:04 pm
Because they dont know that TRUMP is Puttin's hand puppet.
2016-11-10 8:52 pm
The neo-liberals want war with Russia like Hillary. Mr. Trump wants good relations with Russia. I hope he stops using NATO to provoke them, and instructs government agencies to discontinue threats and sanctions and become cooperative.
2016-11-10 9:49 pm
Russia will own Trump.
2016-11-10 8:51 pm
maybe china but not russia

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