It seems I have found a new dimension in depression...What should I do?

2016-11-10 10:56 am
I just watched a video on depression because well, it's how I feel right now. My mother suggested that I look for the good thoughts, and I'm trying but, there's not really anything there. My activities are just not fun anymore. Instead all I can think about are some of the really annoying traits that people have. "It's time to move on", things like that get me down in my privacy. I find others very annoying a lot of the time.

All I've gotten today is just symptoms of depression, fatigue and a little bit of boredom. I hesitate when going to talk to people about this, because I don't know if they'll just make it worse. It's like a bad memory, after awhile nobody really cares about it but you. People just don't care. That's why I don't really like them.

Depression seems to have opened up a new portal for me. I've been through so much crap that now this has happened. I'm so tired of living right now. 2016, in a lot of ways, has been the worst. I've tried idea after idea, several ways to try and make my condition seem less weird and terrible than it actually is. But a lot of ideas have lasted for all of five minutes and a lot of them sucked. Just like the motives that made me start those thoughts to begin with. You can always tell from a mile away when a day is going to be terrible. Because a lot of them start as they intend to go on. With you just going about the day trying to figure out what ideas to use to try and pretend the day is actually any good, but nothing works.

回答 (2)

2016-11-10 11:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
do you wanna talk about your depression? bc i know what it's like, i've been there, it's a scary place and i wanna help you be happy :)
2016-11-12 12:02 am
Tell a dr. how you feel; there are good meds for depression.

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