Should I pursue everything I would like? It feels like there's no other option due to depression?

2016-11-10 7:32 am
What I mean is, should I have everything involved in my thoughts? The thing is, I don't like to take too much in my imagination because it feels like greed whenever I try that, but it doesn't seem like I have any other choice.

So many fantasies I've wanted to go with, but have never truly had any reason to. I've always waited for these to arrive but it has never happened. I've been waiting for things like that all year. I had, or at least had been attempting to use the law of attraction. I wanted a sort of step-mother figure, and a few days later, my brother mentioned a "Sugar-Mommy".

I've also always thought of racial fantasies. But not very seriously. I always wonder if I should just pursue with this one. Some of these things involve Latina Island, Planet White, 50. ft Asians, etc. And then there's things like making things more adult, like Snow White, or adding a few adult elements to The Wizard Of Oz or something. The thing is, I'm a little tired of just having my thoughts go around in circles. This week has really put my patience to the test. I haven't had a clue what to do, which in turn, has caused fatigue and depression.

回答 (2)

2016-11-10 10:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you have any genuine doubt because of depression, please take guidance from your parents. Others may mistake you and misguide.
參考: own
2016-11-12 12:07 am
Tell a dr. how you feel; there are good meds for depression.

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